Friday 29 April 2011

New JRs BBQ highlights Jim Ross

Jim Ross is back with another blog over on As usual, here are some of the highlights:

- Hopefully, Cole and I did not overly offend too many of you wrestling purists with our 'exhibition' Monday night. It earned the top quarter hour TV rating on the program for the night and that distinction has already been throughly analyzed by those who earn a living covering the genre. Lots of ways for that data to be dissected one can argue. 

- My right hand is somewhat banged up and the x-rays were not overly encouraging Tuesday but it won't keep me from doing what I need to do on Sunday at Extreme Rules. 

- Cole's tooth went to the bone on a knuckle on my right hand which caused bleeding from my hand and his lip for those that have asked. Apparently the risk of infection from a human tooth IE a bite or something like what occurred Monday night is potentially harmful so we've been very careful with the infection aspect of the 'wound' in addition to caring for a sore hand. 

- Interesting that WWE Raw defeated both NBA playoff games Monday night in the TV ratings race. Based on NBA rights fees, WWE is a bargain for USA Network based on the ratings the program has earned year after year. One of those NBA games featured was my OKC Thunder. 

- Congrats to Chris Jericho for his amazing run on DWTS on ABC. @IAmJericho is one of the most multi talented performers with which I've ever been associated. Without question, one has to assume that many doors were opened by Chris' performance on DWTS as it relates to potential, future gigs in 'Hollywood'. We're getting tons of emails and tweets @JRsBBQ asking when Jericho is coming back to WWE. I have heard nothing regarding this matter from any one in any official capacity. I do think that Chris will likely have another run in WWE but whether it is this year or next is completely Chris and the WWE's call. The day Jericho returns he will zoom up the ladder as arguably the most talented, all around grappler on the roster at this time. 

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