Monday 21 March 2011

Jim Ross New Blog

Jim Ross is back with another blog over on Here are some of the highlights:

- The next Legends Roundtable program will be out in a few weeks and it's on Canada's influence on pro wrestling. Another interesting and intriguing topic.

- The THQ commercial that was voiced by The King and me for the WWE All Stars video game has been all over the NCAA March Madness basketball tourney Saturday. Several of my buddies have text me that they heard it as did I, surprisingly so, several times during the tournament games. "Business Has Picked Up!"

- BTW my ankle is still tender but isn't as swollen and is improving. I like to think that I have a relatively high threshold of pain so the ankle issue is more of a nuisance than anything now.

- Tough Enough, by all accounts, was very successful and now it will be interesting to see how the producers, etc edit the show for air. TE premiers right after Monday Night Raw the night after Wrestlemania 27. I know that Steve Austin enjoyed his experience on TE especially working with such a dedicated and talented crew.

- Yes....I do think that Wade Barrett is a bright future in WWE and I also think that after WM27 concludes that Barrett will be among many younger talents that will be expected and counted upon to raise their game and to build equity into future, main event opportunities in WWE. Barrett is and looks athletic and can talk. I like his upside.

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