Wednesday 30 March 2011

Interview With Jeremy Borash interview with Jeremy Borash.

However across the pond in the United States wrestling is a billion dollar industry and TNA (Total Nonstop Action) are making a real impact on the wrestling scene competing with the likes of the WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment).

This modern day company is a far cry from the wrestling witnessed by British fans in the 70’s. Today the wrestlers are some of the finest athletes in sport, putting their bodies on the line all for the entertainment of the raucous crowds.

The company was founded in 2002 and one man that has been there from the start is ring announcer Jeremy Borash. Given the role of interviewing wrestlers, geeing up the crowd and creating a pulsating atmosphere, Borash is a core member of the successful company.

“I was the first employee in the company and have seen an idea born on a boat,” Borash said. “Nine years down the line, we are seen world wide across all four corners of the globe.

“Not everyone has the experience of being able to take an idea like that and seeing it through all the way. I will always have a huge place in my heart for TNA, I feel like I have helped give birth to this idea.”

TNA have toured over in the United Kingdom for the last three years, each time there have been sell-out crowds in all the arenas they have performed in.

The 36-year-old ring announcer believes that one day in the not to distant future we will see an episode of TNA’s flagship show IMPACT! or even a PPV (Pay Per View) filmed in the UK.

“I would love to say yes and we will be able to film an episode of IMPACT! in the UK tomorrow,” Borash continued. “When it happens it will be the greatest IMPACT! ever, I know that because the crowd would be insane.

“There is a lot of work to make that happen, but when we’re ready it will happen, and I can’t wait. The Wembley Arena show and M.E.N show we did during our last tour will be incredible on PPV.”

At the moment, not just in TNA, but also in rival promotions, there are a number of British wrestlers plying their trade in the States. However the World Championship is the one belt that has eluded the Brits over in America, but Borash doesn’t think it will be long before we see a British grappler hold the main title in TNA.

“It should have already happened,” the 36-year-old continued. “There is great talent that we have and more that we are yet to discover.

“Desmond Wolfe is incredible, Doug Williams is excellent. Magnus is only 24-years-old, he can already talk and if I was to pick the next huge breakout star in this business Magnus has got it, he has everything

“Just the experience he has already got at such a young age. I remember his first night when he came out at Wembley, none of us knew what to expect, but now we do it is just a matter of watching him soar.”

Away from the ring, Borash is a regular user of Twitter and revealed a surprising person that he follows from the British sporting world.

“The most famous person I follow on Twitter is Phil ‘The Power’ Taylor,” Borash revealed. “As far as I’m concerned he is tops, he’s the man. My dream is that one day I will be able to say the numbers ‘180’ and I will say it like it has never been said before.

“My first introduction to darts was 10 years ago over in England, and the announcers would hook me on it with the crowd and everything.

“I brought darts over to the states and showed the guys in the locker-room, and they are hooked, they watch it and say ‘this is amazing’ and that type of crowd reaction is something you only get in the UK.”

Many Brits may not have embraced wrestling yet, but darts is a prime example of how the British audiences love to be entertained and there are many similarities between the two sports with all the razzmatazz to get the crowds involved in the action.

If TNA keeps growing across the pond and during their arena tours of the UK, there is no reason why the sport can’t become as successful on these shores.

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