Wednesday 30 March 2011

Finlay Fired By WWE

According to numerous sources the wwe have released the highly regarded backstage producer Dave 'Fit' Finlay. Known as simply Finlay during his ten years with the WWE, the Belfast native third generation wrestler has been a key factor in the success of the divas division, wrestled many memorable matches and been instrumental in developing new/young talent for the company. Full details of his release are sketchy, but many believe he has become a fall guy for the company over a house show incident this past weekend & may return down the line. Finlay's career streches back to 1974 and saw him headline events in Ireland, the UK, Japan and Europe, before The Belfast Bruiser hit the big time in the US and joined WCW and later the WWE. The veteran grappler semi-retired from in ring competition last year, but is still known to fans today as the storyline father of Hornswoggle and still commands respect whenever he makes appearances for the WWE. His loss will be felt my many with the locker room.

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