Wednesday 23 March 2011

Abdullah The Butcher Interview Highlights

Abdullah the Butcher recently spoke with Slam Wrestling about the 2011 WWE Hall of Fame. Here are some highlights:

Getting the call from WWE:

"When they phoned and said, 'We want to put you in the Hall of Fame,' I started smacking myself to make sure I was hearing them right. It took them a while to get me in to their Hall of Fame, but I'm very happy. Even though I don't live far away, they're going to pick me up in a limousine. I love it!"

His drawing power today:

"If you were to put me with The Undertaker today, we could sell out any place. I need a new hip, but I still look 100 per cent good. Hulk Hogan and I wrestled in Japan for two weeks back in the '80s, selling out and having great matches, and we could do it again today. I think we could still give the people action."

Never working for WWE:

"I've never met Vince McMahon Jr. The WWE were scared of me because I was an outlaw, and I did not kiss anybody's butt. The boys, back in the day there, would say, 'Don't bring Abdullah in -- he'll be trouble.'"

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