Monday 21 February 2011

Wrestling's 101 Strangest Matches

Wrestling’s 101 Strangest Matches - Book Review

By Phil Allely

The world of wrestling of course by its very nature an odd hybrid of pure athleticism, entertainment and choreographed moves. The addition of storylines, writers and all manner of themes, ideas, concepts and individual company creativity has meant that over the decades there have been many instances where things have gone wrong, went off kilter or in some cases simply were not to be. Many wrestling fans know the odd nugget of match trivia and history, but one has taken this a step further and his name is Oliver Hurley, Mr Hurley is a well known wrestling writer and he has compiled 101 of the weirdest, oddest, craziest and most ludicrous matches from the history of wrestling into one handy to read volume.

This well presented book has everything you need to become the wrestling nerd you always wanted to be, or simply a few nice pieces of information to drop into the conversation next time your more knowledgeable friend decides to pass on some of his trivia to you.

There are all manner of historical moments, mishaps and blunders here to peruse at your leisure, the events that just were never meant to happen, the pioneers who created matches and concepts we now take for granted, the oddities of the sport and at times off-the-wall ideas that promoters every so often decide to act on.

Not wishing to ruin things too much I will say within these pages you will find a wrestler defecating on another by accident, a match continuing even though the lights have gone out, a grappler being hypnotised, an upstart British star being brutalised in Japan and some downright insane bloodletting and violence.

Wrestling’s 101 Strangest Matches is available now online and from all good book retailers, I for one cannot rate it highly enough and recommend it to fans old and new of the sport.

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