Wednesday 16 February 2011

New Jim Ross Blog Highlights

Big night on MNR to say the least. Here are some thoughts.....

The WWE hit a home run when they brought back Dwayne Johnson to be the Host of Wrestlemania 27. Who would have been a better choice?

For my one.

Sorry, young Mr. Beiber.

The Rock's Raw closing promo was golden. I smelled money while he was commanding the live audience. My instincts tell me that fans watching at home were just as emotionally invested as were the fans in Anaheim.

Rock created as much magic Monday Night in Anaheim than Walt Disney did on his best day in the same city.

Hopefully, all the talents who were still at the Honda Center locker room area were listening closely to what the Rock said, when he said it, and saw how he was a majestic maestro who had the live audience in the palm of his hand.

One could tell that Rock was enjoying himself. His DNA is 'ring worthy.'

Great promo men over the years had one common denominator. They all could 'feel' the audience.

Rock felt it Monday night.

He once told me that what he always missed most about appearing in WWE was the adrenaline rush that he got from the live audience. Nothing on Earth can replicate that unique feeling for any entertainer/athlete, etc.

Trust me on that one. (Announcers kill for moments like Monday night.)

Some fans are hammering us on Twitter @JRsBBQ proclaiming that it will be Rock vs. Cena at WM27. That's not what I heard. I heard that Rock was Hosting the event which works very well for me. Will there be some sort of Rock/Cena interaction? Sounds that way to me which is why I'm 'staying tuned.'

With Rock as the Host of the biggest WWE event of the year inside the Georgia Dome, fans can expect the unexpected.

WWE and the Rock aren't collaborating at WM27 without the Rock making a significant IMPACT in Atlanta.

How does the man that Hollywood knows as Dwayne Johnson make an impact w/o wrestling in a match?

Very easily. Rock did it tonight and never laid a hand on anyone.

All I know is that business picked up in WWE Monday night and with all that is planned for WM27 I can't wait to attend the event live.

I expect more huge announcements to come at the Elimination Chamber PPV and soon thereafter as in 2/21/11.

Emailer...Who is the RAW GM? Answer....I don't know and furthermore I don't care. When we're supposed to know we will. I'm much more interested in the build to WM27 than I ever will be about who the mysterious (not my descriptor) Raw General manager may or may not be.

Twitter @JRsBBQ....Is the Rock coming back to wrestle full time? That's not what I got out of Raw's most electrifying moment in years Monday night. Rock is making an appearance at WM27 to contribute in a major, likely shocking, way to the biggest WWE PPV of the year. Bottom line regarding this question on Twitter is that I DON'T KNOW but I would doubt it. I'm very excited about Wrestlemania. My black hat's off to WWE.

Emailer....Is Chris Jericho's 2nd book 'Undisputed' better than Chris' first book, 'A Lion's Tale?' That's like asking me if I like our Original BBQ Sauce better than our HOT BBQ Sauce. Depends on the moment/dish. I loved both of Jericho's books but read the 2nd book much quicker. I really liked 'Undisputed' and was pleasantly surprised at how much detail Jericho went into regarding many backstage dealings in WWE, many of which I was involved. I admire Chris' honesty plus his story telling abilities are superb. Bottom line, I strongly suggest that if you are a fan of the wrestling biz that you read this book ASAP.

Emailer...Is HBK going into the WWE HOF alone? Of course not. One can surmise that WWE is going to spend all their available TV time promoting the Elimination Chamber this Sunday on PPV and then begin rolling out other 2011 WWE HOF'ers that will be inducted the night before WM27 in Atlanta. I think this class will be stout and the presenters will be impressive. I wouldn't miss this event live for any thing. That reminds me, we need tickets.

I get a kick out of how vilified I am at times on some MMA message boards because "that damn pro wrestling guy" has the audacity to comment on MMA. I think many wrestling fans enjoy MMA plus many MMA fans used to be devout pro wrestling fans if I'm not mistaken. Plus, I'm a big fan. Plan and simply put I am a fan of MMA and enjoy commenting on it. Some people actually enjoy reading my opinions whether they agree with them or not. Producing and critiquing a MMA broadcast isn't that foreign to doing the same thing in the business that I have been a part of since '74.

Broadcasting is broadcasting even though many within the media, TV, etc look down their noses at pro wrestling broadcasters because of the individual's insecure bias regarding their views of the show biz based genre. To those folks I say, "Lighten Up Francis."

Our weekend promotion with our HOT BBQ Sauce was a hit. Thanks a million for the business. Please tell a friend about our products and keep us in mind if you need gifts for any occasion. With every order, you'll receive personally autographed swag.

Going to pay my respects this week to the King's Mom who I thought the world of and who passed away Sunday at 90. If the Good Lord would give me 90 years above ground, I think I would take it in a heart beat.

Thanks for reading our blog and following us on Twitter @JRsBBQ. Keep those orders coming. Sending out a big order to Steve Austin on Tuesday.....actually to his Lab's a long story.

Boomer Sooner!


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