Tuesday 15 February 2011

John Cena Experience DVD Review

The John Cena Experience - WWE DVD Review

By Phil Allely

John Cena is one of the WWE’s most popular and most reliable superstars, he has been the company’s most dedicated spokesperson since his star rose there and he has of course stood stop the roster as champion on numerous occasions. This box set is probably the most comprehensive tribute to a grappler (alive or dead) that the WWE will ever produce, taking in many aspects of his private life and showcasing his many high points during his relatively short WWE run to date as well.

Whilst he is one of the most popular superstars in the WWE Cena has got his fair share of critics and people who loathe his act/style and persona. Although his ever faithful army of Cenation fans counteract them with ease. Saying that this DVD set goes some way to help those people understand just what makes him tick. It also highlights the huge amount of good Cena does for the general public and emphasises just how determined and hard-working he really is outside of the ring.

Apart from the two discs of matches on offer here the first disc is the one that will either make you buy the set or not. This disc is a breakdown of some of the activities Cena participates in on a day to day basis and showcases his life, home life and the charitable deeds he does in his role as a high profile WWE superstar.

There are looks at what work goes into the Wrestlemania experience, Cena’s movie work to date and the effect they have on him, the WWE toy range, his being a spokesperson for the WWE, make a wish appearances and his collection of classic cars. All of these pieces give you an insight into the life of one of the most well known men on the planet and lets us into his world for a while. It also lets you the viewer understand what being a WWE superstar or top level performer in any sport means to the individuals themselves.

One the match front there are a wealth of them to choose from, most are well known modern classics and feature some of Cena’s most best opponents and foes. Of course one of the problems with releases like this is that we already may own some if not all of the bouts included in the set. Luckily the range of matches on offer here make the likelihood of that minimal (as they cover 2004-2009 and take in various major and minor PPV events), look out for brawls with Rated RKO, Booker T, Kurt Angle, Shawn Michaels, Great Khali and Cena’s triumphant return to the WWE at Royal Rumble 2008, amongst others.

The John Cena Experience is out now on DVD and Blu-Ray, available from www.silvervision.co.uk and all good retailers.

Future WWE Releases include the Big Show starring movie Knucklehead (on release February 14th)

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