Tuesday 8 February 2011

Dixie Carter Full Q&A Highlights

Dixie Talks Back!

By Phil Allely

She is Dixie Carter, perhaps the most approachable wrestling company boss in the world, she turns up at as many of the companies events as possible and always makes time for fans and her staff alike.

With TNA’s return to UK TV this week on Challenge the Nashville based company’s figurehead took to the web (you can catch Dixie on Twitter @TNADixie or Facebook.com/TNADixie) to answer some questions from eager TNA fans, here are a few highlights.

Q: is tna going to get a new world belt so they won’t all wear the hardy belt?

Dixie: Are you kidding, YES!! The sooner the better.

Q:do you plan on moving the Impact Zone to somewhere else. I believe that keeping it in Universal is crippling the audience numbers

Dixie: There are no plans to move the production to another single facility. However, we are excited about taking the iMPACT! taping on the road to Fayetteville, NC on February 24th, and hope to do more iMPACT! tapings from different locations in the future.

Q: hi dixie what have been your best moment(s) in tna alan (scotland)

Dixie: Signing the Spike deal was huge. The Kurt Angle/Thursday night Spike announcement, the Hogan press conference in NYC, Wembley Arena… Too many to mention. But every time I am out on the floor at a show with the fans is the single best part of my job. I have REALLY missed doing that since October. Getting back out on the UK/European Tour felt great.

Q: What has been the biggest mistake you've made so far running TNA? I know the list is long but narrow it to 1 if possible.

Dixie: The move to Monday nights. We have a loyal audience on Thursdays and that move proved that. Even the ratings of the Thursday replay (which did not force viewers to watch on Monday), were as high or higher than the debut telecast.

Q: you asked us on Twitter and on Facebook to send her questions that she will answer. Will she avoid negative questions?

Dixie: No, I won’t avoid them.

Q:what are the chances of having a tna pay per view,say a genesis etc, in England?

Dixie: Two years ago at Wembley I said we wanted to have a PPV or iMPACT! taping from the UK. To get that done Bravo would have had to be a big part of that. Now that we are on Challenge, the folks at SKY can help make that happen. I get this email all the time. You need to let them know you want to see this come to fruition. I’m sold.

Q:Can you tell me how you felt when you saw Booker T and Kevin Nash at the Royal Rumble and realized your original plans for "THEY" were screwed?

Dixie: Booker was not available for any MEM angle. Kevin Nash was under contract with TNA and was just recently released for reasons I will not disclose. From the beginning, if we did a MEM angle it would not have been with the original group and it would have been a short-term story to get to something else. To see “THEY” tune in TONIGHT on SPIKE. I’m pretty sure the fans will be happy. I know I am.

Q: Hi who has the best entrance music???

Dixie: My favorite entrance music is Beer Money (and not because my husband Serg sings it). The crowd reacts how I do to that song every time they come out. On the UK/European Tour last week I could not get Mickie James’ or Madison Rayne’s music out of my head, which is fine except when I hear it while I am sleeping. Not my favorite song, but the one I hear the most in my head at night is RVD’s music. I want to strangle Rob when I wake up some mornings. And, I actually really like my music. If you remember Goldylocks from early TNA days, she sings it and does an amazing job.

Q: you are the president of TNA and do a lot. Do you ever take a break?

Dixie: I do spend time with my family and friends; however, work is always a text, email or call away 24/7.

Q: what's the truth about the rumors that Sting has left TNA and joined WWE?!

Dixie: I have read these reports. I would really hate to see that happen.

Q: Were you disappointed by Bravo being cut and TNA being left without a home on UK TV? Poor treatment by Sky?

Dixie: We are thrilled to now be a part of SKY family with iMPACT! being shown on FREEVIEW every Tuesday at 10 pm starting February 8th. Thanks to all the fans who let SKY know they wanted to see iMPACT!. It gave SKY a quick lesson in just how passionate TNA fans are! Although SKY was undergoing a massive platform change, it was a frustrating period not being able to respond to the thousands of tweets and facebook questions fans also sent me as to when and where iMPACT! would be broadcast in the UK and Ireland. The announcement was made very quickly after the deal was done.

Q: do you ever get frustrated with some fans who never stop critiscising at taking shots at the company and the talent?

Dixie: It’s part of the job. We will never please everyone all the time. You just have to strive to please as many as you can as much of the time as possible.

Matt Jones

Why doesn't TNA start its own Hall Of Fame for the Wrestlers?

Dixie: Great question. Stay tuned!

You can catch TNA on Challenge every week:

TNA iMPACT! airs Tuesdays at 22.00 from February 8, followed by TNA Xplosion at 24.00

TNA PPVs air on Wednesdays (following US broadcast) at 22.00 to 01.00

Challenge channel numbers are: Sky #125, Virgin Media #139 and Freeview

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