Tuesday 22 February 2011

Chris Jericho New Interview

Over the past week, there has been plenty of talk that former WWE Champion and now two-time New York Times best-selling author Chris Jericho will be making a big announcement regarding his future soon.

Maybe it's just coincidence but USA Today wrote on Monday that Jericho's name has come up as a possible contestant in the upcoming season of "Dancing With the Stars." The cast for the show will be revealed any time now.

Jericho was asked if he will be on the hit ABC show Monday morning on the "Open Mike" radio show on 740 The Game in Orlando, Fla., as part of an interview promoting his second autobiography "Undisputed."

"People keep asking me that and they also keep asking me if I'm going to be the lead singer of Velvet Revolver," Jericho said. "Neither one of those things is what my announcement is. It would be nice to do either or but that's not what I'm thinking about when I'm talking about my announcement."

Instead, Jericho alluded to his announcement having something to do with his rock band Fozzy.

"I've been threatening this announcement for about three weeks now. It's basically something to do with what's going on this summer. I kind of alluded to it ... a couple of big shows we're hoping to get confirmation on pretty soon."

Those shows are several big traditional festivals in Europe which he and his bandmates would enjoy being a part of.

The one thing he did not definitively say was that he would not be a part of "Dancing With the Stars," only that his big announcement did not have to deal with that show.

Jericho has previously said that that he turned down the reality show before because it interfered with his WWE schedule. That's not a problem right now since he is out of wrestling for the time being.

The one thing that can be almost certain is that his announcement will not be a return to the WWE in time for WrestleMania 27.

"Yeah, it would be great to be a part of it. But I think at this point in time with all the guys that are coming back ... The Rock came back and obviously Triple H will be back soon and probably The Undertaker. All these guys are returning and so it's better for me not to be there and get lost in the shuffle of everybody that comes back and all the hoopla of WrestleMania."

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