Monday 17 January 2011

WWE's Ted DiBiase talks about life on the road and more!!!

RAW Superstar Ted DiBiase spoke with this weekend to promote the WWE live event on January 23rd in Youngstown, Ohio. Here are some highlights:

How often are you on the road?

Oh my gosh. I think the correct answer is a minimum of 257 days a year and I believe it's actually really more than that. It's most of the time.

Are there any more films [for you] planned right now?

Nothing right now. So, so, so busy. We do a branch of WWE Studios and I think they just filmed several movies this year. Randy Orton and John Cena made movies, The Edge and Big Show - but none of those films were as good as my movie. [Laugh] Mine was far superior, especially to John Cena who filmed the first "Marine." Mine was far better. Make sure you get that in there. [Laugh.]

Is there any chance we could see your brother on “NXT” at some point? It's the right area, the right level. I thought maybe there's a chance we'd see your brother on there.

You know, there's a possibility. That's actually out of my control. It very well could happen. If you see him there, you'll see him on RAW or Smackdown but we'll definitely see him soon, eventually, I would predict.

He's a talented and he's dying to get up here. He's ready.

I do want to get into the industry as far as injuries. I just wonder how you keep up with injuries.

I have a personal trainer and the way he constructs my workouts are to help prevent injuries, but they do still happen. What we do is certainly well-known that it's entertainment, but it's not ballet. We always take the opportunity when we can to say, 'Kids, don't try this at home. We're trained professionals. We trained for a long time before we started doing this.'

But it happens. People get hurt. If it's bad enough, usually, if you need to have surgery, you're off. If it's something you can work through, you usually just grit your teeth, tape it up real tight and try to go 'cause the show must go on.

WWE does an excellent job especially in the area of head injuries, as far as concussions. I know I was actually slapped in the face one night and it knocked me out. I had a mild concussion and they would not let me wrestle for three weeks to a month. I did other things in the show, but they wouldn't let me perform in the ring. That's the thing, as a company, we take very serious now. We go through a lot of steps, a lot of tests and stuff and we have our doctors who are certified to handle us and make the call.

We're taken care of.

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