Monday 10 January 2011

TNA Genesis 2011 News

Hardy Boyz Reunite in TNA!

By Phil Allely

With TNA’s UK broadcasts disrupted by their current lack of a channel on Sky, the company are now offering their programmes on Demand for loyal UK fans via their website. Meaning none of us are going the upcoming action in the build up to the UK tour this month.

Last night’s Genesis Pay-Per-View had it all, in terms of action and storyline development, title changes, plus we saw a surprise addition to the roster too.

The ranks of Immortal were swelled once again as former WWE superstar Matt Hardy (sporting a new look) made his company debut and shocked former TNA world champion Rob Van Dam by being the factions chosen opponent for him. Hardy controversially won the bout after a ‘twist of fate’, even though RVD’s leg seemed to be under the ropes for the three-count.

Elsewhere Mr Anderson not only returned to fighting form, winning his number one contenders match against Matt Morgan, but fulfilled his destiny to take the World Heavyweight Title away from Jeff Hardy, becoming a first time World Champion.

Eric Bischoff setting up the world title bout after Anderson had endured a gruelling brawl with Morgan. The short match saw both unleash their best moves and had run-ins from Mick Foley, Matt Hardy, RVD and Fortune, none of which could spoil Anderson’s night.

Immortal and Fortune fared well otherwise in title matches as Kazarian brought the X Division strap back to the fold, Beer Money Inc. snagged the TNA Tag team gold once again, toppling The Motor City Machineguns and Abyss (with a little help from AJ Styles) claimed the TV Title from Douglas Williams.

Genesis was a superb opener to TNA’s 2011 campaign to nip at the WWE’s heels, although they do need a TV channel to showcase their wares on relatively soon. The UK/Irish tour at the end of January will no doubt whet fans appetites for regular TNA TV and they need to be able to capitalise on that as quickly as possible if they can.

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