Wednesday 19 January 2011

Scott Future aims for a TNA role

Is UK’s Scott the ‘Future of TNA?

By Phil Allely

A number of the UK’s finest wrestling talent will be on hand on January 29th at Wembley Arena for TNA’s first UK Gut Check clinic. Where TNA founder Jeff Jarrett and road agent D-Lo Brown will put aspiring star through their paces to see if they have what it takes to become a member of their roster.

One such potential star hoping to join fellow UK stars Magnus, Rob Terry and Douglas Williams is 13 year veteran Scott Future. Future started his career in 1998, participating in a Royal Rumble in Folkstone, Kent and hasn’t looked back since. Future was trained by the legendary Andre Baker at Hammerlock Wrestling in 1997. Has trained in the Hart family Dungeon and been a part of short US tours and many UK/European ones.

“There are ups and downs when you are on the road in the UK. There is a great team spirit amongst wrestlers that are on the road though, and we all have something in common that often no one else can understand, but equally it's tough because you are away from your family missing birthdays and driving hundreds of miles. It's all worthwhile once you step in the ring and the crowd responds.”

Scott has already had a little bite at the big time apple, having had a WWE try out during a recent tour, his dreams didn’t materialise then, but now he hopes that this opportunity to impress TNA’s movers and shakers may lead to his break. As the eager young star in waiting explains he really has worked hard to get this shot at TNA stardom. Having been fortunate enough to work with people like Sonny Oono, Jimmy Hart and former WWE star Chris Nowinski along the way, all of which have helped the young man build on his persona and in-ring skills.

“It (the WWE try out) was by far one of the best experiences I have had. I stood in the ring and gave a promo and Ricky ‘The Dragon’ Steamboat nodded his head in approval. He even fed me some lines to say as I made my speech on the WWE RAW microphone, underneath the steel cage. To have someone like Ricky Steamboat get something from one of my promo's meant the world. We only had something like 90 seconds to talk, and when my time was up and someone told me to stop, referee Jack Doan said "That’s too bad I was interested to see where that was going".

“Kurt Angle (who is a part of the current TNA tour) oversaw proceedings and to be in the presence of an Olympic Gold Medalist and a pro wrestling legend was like a dream come true. I got to show a little of what I've got and was happy with my performance but I wasn’t given any promises. Since then I have continued to train hard, and following the try out and the positive feedback I got, I have worked on my physique and tried to improve my technique so that when the next opportunity comes knocking, it’s not wasted. I'm now bigger and faster than I was then.”

“For me this is the next opportunity and the most important. When you talk about TNA, you talk about wrestlers who are passionate and love what they do. There is a hunger there. That fits with my mentality. What I need to do is show them why they need 'Scott Future' as opposed to anyone else out there. That's not easy, but I don't think anyone will give it a better shot than me. It means all the more because I only have a handful of wrestlers in my life that have inspired me and shaped the way I think about wrestling, and Jeff Jarrett is certainly one of those wrestlers.

“The dream is to stand out and finally show, on a large platform, what I can do. I have a good ring psychology that would translate well on television, and the dream is to showcase that. But the dream would be to learn from the best and to try to compete with the big boys and the legends. I have had so much encouragement from people who have ruled the industry, and I want to work hard and fulfil my dream of entertaining and wrestling full time.”

“I can’t really put that into words what a TNA contract would mean to me. The thought of it makes my chest flutter. I have been around for 13 years and 'paid my dues' but I am still young and I have time to make a real Impact at TNA. My outlook on the wrestling industry is still positive after all these years and I can’t think of anything I want more than to sign with one of the big companies.”

Scott will be giving his all on January 29th at Wembley Arena, and anyone interested in seeing his promos, photos and learning more about him can visit

TNA’s Maximum Impact! tour starts on January 24th in Dublin, Ireland.

Ticket information and card line-ups are available from

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