Friday 7 January 2011

Mark Madden Talks About Jeff Hardy/TNA

Former WCW broadcaster mark madden has made a few comments on his blog about current TNAa World Heavweight Champion Jeff Hardy and his current situation re: drug charges, here they are below:

Let’s say Alex Rodriguez was arrested in possession of 262 doses of Vicodin, 180 somas, 55 ml of anabolic steroids, residual traces of cocaine powder and drug paraphernalia, then pled guilty to lesser drug charges by way of dodging jail time, would Major League Baseball take punitive action? DAMN RIGHT.

If Lebron James got pinched holding 262 doses of Vicodin, 180 somas, 55 ml of anabolic steroids, residual traces of cocaine powder and drug paraphernalia, then pled guilty to lesser drug charges by way of dodging jail time, would the National Basketball Association take punitive action? DAMN RIGHT.

That’s how the sports world works. Major corporations like U.S. Steel and AT&T, too. That’s how the world works.

It’s not how TNA works. Jeff Hardy is still TNA world champion. Still one of the promotion’s major foci. TNA isn’t punishing, or even FLINCHING. TNA can’t think Hardy is innocent, because he’s ADMITTING HE’S GUILTY.

Tells you all you need to know about TNA

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