Monday 31 January 2011

Kevin 'Diesel' Nash Interview Highlights

When the 32nd competitor at the 2011 Royal Rumble Match was revealed, the crowd at Boston’s TD Banknorth Garden erupted with a mixture of shock and exhilaration. Heading into the fray was a man not seen in WWE since 2003: Diesel.’s Joey Styles caught up with the former WWE Champion after his elimination to ask about his performance. How does it feel to be back in a WWE ring?

DIESEL: I wish I had a thesaurus, so I could explain it. It’s nice to be in a building with people [laughs]. When you get in this business, you strive to get to WWE, and when it’s time to hang up your boots, you definitely want to end up a Yankee. So, if this was my last one, I couldn’t be happier. Are you saying you expect this to be your last night in the ring?

DIESEL: I hope not. I know Randy Orton, he’s got pull around here [laughs]. I’d stay as long as they’ll have me, or as long as my body will hold on. Speaking of which, it looked like The New Nexus got a good jump on you.

DIESEL: Yeah, they would definitely test my durability. Hey, I’ve been around a long time, I’m sure there’s a lot of people that want to take a shot at me. Anything to that stare between you and Big Show?

DIESEL: A lot of history there, either together or on the opposite side of the ring. I’ve probably had 200 matches with Big Show in my life. He’s still probably the most impressive physical specimen I’ve been in the ring with – by far the strongest, still the measuring stick. I’d like to give him another run for his money. When’s the last time you actually had the jet-black Diesel hair?

DIESEL: I feel young with this hair. I want to go with ’96. It was a while ago. Any final words for the WWE Universe?

DIESEL: Unexplainable to be back, a dream come true, a wonderful night. I was trying to think, What tops this? When I won the WWE Title against Bob [Backlund] at Madison Square Garden, I didn’t really realize what I had. There are definitely more years behind me than ahead of me, so you appreciate these things. It was special tonight. It was probably the best night for me.

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