Thursday 6 January 2011

Jim Ross' Recent Blog Entry January 2011

Greetings from under the black hat....actually that was a figure of speech because I'm not wearing my black hat at the moment but it's always close by if the phone rings with info necessitating 'hat duty.' BTW when I used my custom made, signature black hat on Michael Cole back in November when I was brought in from the pasture, that technique, according to The Duke, John Wayne, is referred to as 'hat fanning.' Vintage 'hat fanning' BTW. With that matter addressed and as UFC's Mike Goldberg would say, "Here we go!"

We're getting lots of emails and Tweets, @JRsBBQ, regarding Sting these days. BTW has he left TNA? I actually don't know the answer to that one but suspect that Sting is still officially with TNA. Nonetheless many fans hope that Sting is inducted in the WWE HOF in Atlanta at WM27. Theoretically, if Sting were not working for another wrestling company, it would be a splendid idea. It still might be but that's not for me to speculate on. Sting was the first and only WCW star that Turner's people 'made' in Atlanta that never wrestled for WWE as best that I recall.

I'd love to help produce a definitive Sting DVD some day as I was around him when he first started in the biz and teamed with the Ultimate Warrior, then known as Rock, in the UWF as the tag team duo known as the Bladerunners. The Bladerunners were going to be positioned as UWF's answer to the Road Warriors.

I keep reading all these 'hot rumors' as to who 'might' be inducted in Atlanta in April and the list keeps getting longer and more of a head scratcher the more folks speculate. I hope that the class does have a WCW/Atlanta feel but the class will likely be 6-8 inductions tops. Plus, WWE will want to not over do posthumous inductions if at all possible.

The WWE HOF Induction Ceremony is one of my favorite events of the year. The DVD of the event is one of my faves too because so much is cut out of the TV broadcast which, for a fan like me, could easily be a two hour show.

Tonight on WWE On Demand I enjoyed watching Dory Funk, Jr. win his first NWA Title at age 27 against Gene Kiniski in Tampa with Gordon Solie narrating some classic 'film' of a major moment in NWA history. That 10 minute piece of business is airing now. I'm a big fan of WWE On Demand. Big, Jerry, really big!

Had dinner this week at Ray's BBQ in Norman with former Sooner legend and the subject of the recent ESPN 30 for 30, Marcus Dupree. Marcus, who is moving back to Oklahoma soon, and I discussed several potential opportunities that may be available to him. Marcus is a huge wrestling fan, loved Mid South back in the day....BTW who was that handsome, young play by play dude back in the day...and is planning on actually wrestling on a benefit show in his home town of Philadelphia, Mississippi on Saturday February 19 as it is now scheduled. Marcus and I spoke some about his love of the wrestling biz but much more about projects that would be much more impactful coming off the heels of the critically acclaimed documentary that chronicled the life and struggling times of potentially the greatest running back that never became a true star. Marcus Dupree was the greatest, college freshman running back that I ever saw play and that includes Herschel Walker and Bo Jackson...not to mention a kid by the name of Adrian Peterson.

Stay tuned as something interesting may be in the works down the proverbial road involving #22 Marcus Dupree.

Love to receive feedback from those of you that use our products and how you use them. We're getting some great emails and Tweets from those of you who may have missed your opportunities to be chefs because of your creativity. It's also cool for people to pick out a recipe in our JR's Cookbook, a book that we personally autograph, and then tell us how they came out.

Sorry to hear of Paul Orndorff was recently diagnosed with having cancer. PO is a tough man, I know this without hype or speculation, and saw him in action as a young dude being mentored by Cowboy Bill Watts in Mid South Wrestling. Paul was a former running back for the University of Tampa and played with former NFL star Freddie Solomon. Our prayers are with PO and I have complete faith that Mr. Wonderful will be physically wonderful at the end of the day. Paul was a helluva hand in his day who was never afraid of 'heat' when he was one of the most hated villains in the business. Trust me, all wrestling villains could not honestly say that they had absolutely no fear of intense, fan angst but Mr. Wonderful could.

Smart move by the Tennessee Titians to release QB Vince Young and his seemingly selfish attitude that was always about Vince. My old theory was if you can't solve a problem it must be eliminated and that goes for any one on a wrestling roster and especially when business isn't red hot. The Titans were not red hot this past season. Good luck Mr. Young on your future endeavors but it's obvious that potential star QB's won't be out of work long term.

Perhaps Young could join the 'cast' of Storage Wars. When will the physicality be included in an episode of the new, A&E reality show? What a concept for a reality show.

Emailer...I have no plans at this time to begin a podcast. Honestly don't know how to pull it off technically. If I ever do a podcast, it will be of the more succinct variety that some are already doing and NOT of the 2+ hour variety that some do. More power to 'em but that just destroys my attention span and it's hard for me to invest that much time in a 2+ hour newscast/editorial presentation.

Who will be WWE MVP by year's end. If he stays healthy an argument could be made, at least in my point of view, that it might be CM Punk. Punk knows how to be physical and punishing in logical, easy to follow methods plus the guy can talk. Those traits work for me. Plus he won't miss work, moan about non, major injuries and seems to never burn out. Royal Rumble match ever? Impossible for one person to answer that one conclusively.

The 1992 Rumble was really special because the winner actually won the WWE Title and that went to Ric Flair with Monsoon and Heenan at their best.

I can remember Rumble moments where specific talent got on a roll and had a flurry of action and eliminated multiple people in rapid fire, conclusive fashion. Kevin Nash did it. Kane did it. The Undertaker has done it multiple times to name a few. Several men have had head turning moments in the Rumble Match that provided them much needed momentum heading into Wrestlemania.

There's only one, 3 time winner...Stone Cold. Only two men have won Rumbles in back to back years, HBK and Austin....a pair of Texans.

The last time the Rumble was in Boston, this years site, Brock Lesnar won it all which was 2003. My how times have changed regarding Lesnar. BTW his book, co-written with Paul Heyman will be out in a few week. I'd love to get an advance copy so I can review it for you. I'm very anxious to read Brock's story of which I had a significant role. I hope I'm not hammered by him too badly but Brock assaulting one with the written word is infinitely healthier than a physical assault from one of the baddest men on Earth.

Co-winners were declared in 1994 when Bret Hart and Lex Luger shared the distinction of 'winning' the Rumble match. Are we due, possibly, for another controversial conclusion for the 2011 Royal Rumble match?

I've always thought that WWE could get mileage out of assigning Rumble Match numbers via competition like who gets the coveted #30 spot or even the #27 spot which, I think, is the # that most people have won the Rumble match after drawing it. Competing to not be anointed as the #1 entrant creates a great sense of urgency.

As a broadcaster, the Rumble match is the most challenging to call and the one thing that could theoretically make it a train wreck is to have a three man crew all jacked up on Diet Mountain Dew talking so much as if they forgot it was TV and not radio.

Emailer...Have I called my last event in any thing? I hope not and that's not my plan but my broadcasting work may not include regular WWE work but something outside the genre. As many know my absolute 'dream job' at this time would be the radio voice of the Oklahoma Sooner football team but as I have been honest and upfront when addressing this matter I feel that I will be a long shot at best. I'm not retreating but when on is branded so vividly as the 'wrestling guy' it might work against me. Or perhaps not. Time will certainly tell. Nonetheless that gig would be a dream come true. I know that my Dad and my grandpa who used to gather me around the radio when I was a kid would be listening in heaven without question. It's as if I have been preparing my entire broadcasting life for this one job.

Emailer...Can Daniel Bryan win the WWE Title? Of course he CAN win it but the question should be will he win it? I don't think that many experts thought Eddie Guerrero would take the top prize in WWE because of a perceived lack of physical size and other issues but Eddie succeeded. IMO physical size isn't the key trait to be WWE Champion. It's all about the individual having a superior skill set, the person's character, appeal to the masses and reliability....or so I feel.

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