Tuesday 4 January 2011

Brooke Adams (Miss Tessmacher) Breaks Her Jaw

below is an official statement from Brooke Adams (TNA's Miss Tessmacher) website in relation to reports she had suffered a broken jaw.

Brooke has exclusively informed us that she has suffered from a Broken Jaw. This injury happened outside of wrestling but was a total accident. We have no word on how long she will be out of action, but we can conclude that she will be out of ring action for the time being. We at Brooke-Adams.com want to wish Brooke a speedy recovery, let’s hope she won’t be off our TV screens for too long! Brooke posted this on her official Facebook:

“The worst xmas I’ve ever had. Got hit my a friend in the jaw. Its now broken in two places. Now in the ER for the 3rd time. It was so wonderful to spend my xmas here in the ER for 9 hrs. Some damage may not be able to be fixed. Please keep me in your prayers. Hope everyone else had a wonderful xmas!”

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