Monday 31 January 2011

Booker T Autobiography Details

Booker T will be releasing his own autobiography after signing a deal with Medallion Press. It is titled "From Prison to Promise" with the press release stating that the book "will detail (Booker's) struggles with family and crime in urban Houston before becoming one of the world’s most recognized and successful athletes." It is currently scheduled for a September 2010 release. "I’m at that point in my life where I feel maybe someone else can benefit from hearing what I’ve been through," Booker said in the press release. "You know, whether their parents passed away at an early age, or they got into some serious trouble with the law, there’s no doubt in my mind people will not only relate to what I went through, but maybe I can even help keep some of them from going down the same path." Check out more on this at

Kevin 'Diesel' Nash Interview Highlights

When the 32nd competitor at the 2011 Royal Rumble Match was revealed, the crowd at Boston’s TD Banknorth Garden erupted with a mixture of shock and exhilaration. Heading into the fray was a man not seen in WWE since 2003: Diesel.’s Joey Styles caught up with the former WWE Champion after his elimination to ask about his performance. How does it feel to be back in a WWE ring?

DIESEL: I wish I had a thesaurus, so I could explain it. It’s nice to be in a building with people [laughs]. When you get in this business, you strive to get to WWE, and when it’s time to hang up your boots, you definitely want to end up a Yankee. So, if this was my last one, I couldn’t be happier. Are you saying you expect this to be your last night in the ring?

DIESEL: I hope not. I know Randy Orton, he’s got pull around here [laughs]. I’d stay as long as they’ll have me, or as long as my body will hold on. Speaking of which, it looked like The New Nexus got a good jump on you.

DIESEL: Yeah, they would definitely test my durability. Hey, I’ve been around a long time, I’m sure there’s a lot of people that want to take a shot at me. Anything to that stare between you and Big Show?

DIESEL: A lot of history there, either together or on the opposite side of the ring. I’ve probably had 200 matches with Big Show in my life. He’s still probably the most impressive physical specimen I’ve been in the ring with – by far the strongest, still the measuring stick. I’d like to give him another run for his money. When’s the last time you actually had the jet-black Diesel hair?

DIESEL: I feel young with this hair. I want to go with ’96. It was a while ago. Any final words for the WWE Universe?

DIESEL: Unexplainable to be back, a dream come true, a wonderful night. I was trying to think, What tops this? When I won the WWE Title against Bob [Backlund] at Madison Square Garden, I didn’t really realize what I had. There are definitely more years behind me than ahead of me, so you appreciate these things. It was special tonight. It was probably the best night for me.

TNA Live Pics January 2011

TNA Live Pics january 2011

Royal Rumble 2011 Eliminations

Royal Rumble Entrants:

1. CM Punk

2. Daniel Bryan

3. Justin Gabriel

4. Zack Ryder

5. William Regal

6. Ted DiBiase

7. John Morrison

8. Yoshi Tatsu

9. Husky Harris

10. Chavo Guerrero

11. Mark Henry

12. JTG

13. Michael McGillicutty

14. Chris Masters

15. David Otunga

16. Tyler Reks

17. Kozlov

18. R-Truth

19. Great Khali

20. Mason Ryan

21. Booker T

22. John Cena

23. Hornswoggle

24. Tyson Kidd

25. Heath Slater

26. Kofi Kingston

27. Jack Swagger

28. Sheamus

29. Rey Mysterio

30. Wade Barrett

31. Dolph Ziggler

32. Kevin Nash (Diesel)

33. Drew McIntyre

34. Alex Riley

35. Big Show

36. Ezekiel Jackson

37. Santino

38. Alberto Del Rio

39. Randy Orton

40. Kane

Royal Rumble Eliminations:

1. Gabriel (via Bryan at 2:35)

2. Ryder (via Bryan at 3:45)

3. Regal (via DiBiase at 8:52)

4. Chavo (via Henry at 15:05)

5. Yoshi (via Henry at 15:34)

6. JTG (via McG at 18:00)

7. DiBiase (via Harris & McG at 18:51)

8. Bryan (via Harris at 20:56)

9. Masters (via Punk at 21:11)

10. Morrison (via Nexus at 21:25)

11. Henry (via Nexus at 21:50)

12. Reks (via Nexus at 22:50)

13. Kozlov (via Punk at 24:19)

14. R-Truth (via Punk at 26:10)

15. Husky (via Khali at 27:23)

16. Khali (via Mason at 28:22)

17. Booker (via Mason at 31:00)

18. Ryan (via Cena at 32:35)

19. Otunga (via Cena at 32:40)

20. McGillicutty (via Cena at 32:41)

21. Punk (via Cena at 35:20)

22. Kidd (via Cena at 37:05)

23. Slater (via Cena at 38:42)

24. Hornswoggle (via Sheamus at 43:53)

25. Swagger (via Rey at 45:35)

26. Diesel (via Barrett at 52:22)

27. Ziggler (via Show at 54:52)

28. McIntyre (via Show at 55:18)

29. Show (via Jackson at 55:33)

30. Riley (via ??? at ???)

31. Kingston (via Orton at 60:42)

32. Sheamus (via Orton at 60:48)

33. Jackson (via Kane at 62:35)

34. Kane (via Rey at 63:29)

35. Rey (via Barrett at 63:37)

36. Cena (via Miz at 66:30)

37. Orton (via Barrett at 68:37)

38. Barrett (via Del Rio at 68:39)

39. Santino (via Del Rio at 69:48)

Sunday 30 January 2011

Royal Rumble 2011 Matches and Rumours

WWE Title Match

Randy Orton vs. The Miz

World Heavyweight Title Match

Dolph Ziggler vs. Edge

WWE Divas Title Match

Michelle McCool & Layla vs. Natalya

40-Man Royal Rumble Match

Confirmed: Alberto Del Rio, Big Show, Chris Masters, CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, Darren Young, David Hart Smith, David Otunga, Drew McIntyre, Ezekiel Jackson, Heath Slater, Husky Harris, Jack Swagger, John Cena, John Morrison, JTG, Justin Gabriel, Kane, Kofi Kingston, Mark Henry, Mason Ryan, Michael McGillicutty, Primo, R-Truth, Rey Mysterio, Santino Marella, Sheamus, Ted DiBiase, Tyson Kidd, Vladimir Kozlov, Wade Barrett, William Regal, Yoshi Tatsu and Zack Ryder.

Rumored or Expected: Christian, Evan Bourne, Kevin Nash, Booker T, Hacksaw Jim Duggan, Triple H

Saturday 29 January 2011

TNA Impact! Highlights Jan 27 2011

Thursday's "iMPACT!" on SpikeTV featured the shocking return of Scott Steiner to assist Kurt Angle! Plus, World Heavyweight Champion Mr. Anderson battled Matt Hardy, the X Division stars in action, a brawl between Velvet Sky and Winter over Angelina Love and much more!

Scott Hall Interview Highlights

Highlights from a recent Scott Hall Interview:

His health:

"I recently had this pacemaker/defibrillator put in my heart. We have bad hearts in my family genetically. My lifestyle contributed to it, too. I made some bad decisions and some bad choices. If you dance with the devil, you got to pay the price."

Helping former WWE star Ricky Ortiz (Ricky Young):

"This is my first student ever. People ask why I don’t open a wrestling school. I tell them that I’m not just going to take anybody’s money, if they can’t handle it. If I don’t think you are going to be a big star, I’m not going to try to hurt anybody’s feelings, but I’m not going to waste my time. So I got this cat [Young]. He doesn’t drink or do drugs. He is very positive. He is like the young me."

Going to rehab:

"I have been to about nine rehabs. They were high dollar and some of the best ones around. [WWE Chairman] Vince [McMahon] has picked up the tab the last couple of times. If you ever work or worked for WWE, if you ever need help, he will give it to you. He is really cool. Thank Vince, his wife Linda, [daughter] Stephanie, [son] Shane and Paul [Levesque/Triple H]. Thank you for helping me. It’s hard to ask for help. It’s even harder to accept it, when people offer it."

Friday 28 January 2011

Madison Rayne Interview

Madison Rayne - the challenge now is to stay at the top

By Phil Allely

Madison Rayne is a young female grappler in a male dominated world, but against the odds and after a shaky start she has become one of TNA’s best Knockout Division performers. Winning all the gold that is has to offer in a short space of time compared to her peers. Currently holding the Knockouts singles title she was kind enough to give Phil Allely a few moments of her time prior to her tag bout with Tara against the team of Angelina Love and Mickie James during the Dublin, Ireland leg of TNA’s recent Maximum Impact III tour.

“I guess I have been very fortunate to make this far so fast in TNA. I took a bit of time to find my place here and perhaps through luck I wound up as one of The Beautiful People. They are a great team and they helped me out greatly, it was just one of those unplanned things when Angelina had to leave (due to Visa issues), but that moved me up the ranks of the team and I really began to get where I wanted. It’s not like I capitalised on others misfortune, I mean due to pure luck again I was included on the last UK tour as well, I replaced a girl who had to return home.”

As current TNA Knockouts singles champion the 24 year old Rayne has an awful lot of competition in the recently rejuvenated division. All of them vying for the gold and like a seasoned pro Madison never steps down from a fight, although she may bend the rules or have someone waiting in the wings to assist her if things look bleak.

“Well the challenge now is to stay on top, people think getting the belt is the big thing and you can relax. That’s not the case, now I need to be one step ahead at all times, watch my back and keep an eye on everybody. I am the target now and I know it.”

TNA are famed for their live shows and no matter how banged up the crew are no one ever seems to complain about bad shows or performances when they make the long annual trip overseas to please their fans. Rayne like the rest of this years touring performers has her own idea as to why these shows seem to be more intense than those on her home turf.

“It may sound corny, but UK fans are the best, the loudest, hottest and most appreciative we see. It could be the spectacle of what we do (well we are the best at it) or the fact that we only come here once a year, so you guys are ready and willing to see us, but you guys seem more into our show than even our loyal US fans. They are intense on a different level, but they do see us more often I guess, so know what to expect.

Then again maybe we give even more than normal here, it’s such a privilege to be selected for the tours. We have such a good and talented roster that it must be hard to choose who gets to represent the company. I think we all feel proud to be picked to be an ambassador for TNA, I know I feel that way. For a small town Ohio girl like me it is awesome to be standing in another country and calling my mom to tell her where I am, it‘s very humbling to me to be in this fortunate position.”

TNA’s roster is one that whilst slightly top heavy with former WWE, ECW and WCW stars, it has also began to build itself a talented collection of young home grown wrestlers to forge the way forward for them, as the veterans inevitably pass the torch on to the new blood.

“Our company is young and we do have a good number of younger guys and girls here like myself, personally I see it kind of like, because of that we can grow as wrestlers as in turn TNA grows and we can learn as the guys in the back do too. It’s true what they say about TNA being like a family. You can credit Dixie carter for creating that sort of atmosphere, she is a very family orientated person and that rubs off on us too. We all know we can go to her, no matter what, boyfriend/girlfriend problems, family issues or anything else. We can go to her for advice, let off some steam or whatever we need. She can give us tough love, but she knows we need it if she does. We all work better form having that sort of person to go to. We probably work so much better for being able to do that, frustrations and anger never make it into the ring. This is a business and Dixie is serious about that too, but we are indeed the TNA family. We all look after each other too, especially on foreign shores, we are more aware of how the rest of us are and we look out for each other where we can.”

Other organisations seem to neglect talent when it comes to devising characters and storylines, rumour has it that TNA involve their talent in creative ideas as often as possible and encourage their input.

“They never encourage us to do anything we are not comfortable with, there may be a suggestion and we have to explain why we fell it won’t work, but no one will force us to do something we don’t like or feel happy with. We may have to justify why it’s not for us, but if we can the idea is dropped. If we don’t agree with the writers we can go to them, it’s an open forum. Dixie and creative are only too willing to let us voice our opinions, that’s why you don’t se those gratuitous bra and panty style matches here. We are not PG rated TV and we don’t’ need to push the envelope in other directions. We’ll often trade ideas with the writers and that’s how characters grow and build like ours do. I guess for girls in this business it’s hard not to be swallowed up in the sex orientated side of things, but here we are respected and after all we all have families, parents, brothers, sisters etc, all at home watching and they don’t need to see their little girl in that situation. We’d get asked about our comfort level with a scenario and agree to it or not. TNA doesn’t need to be that way with it’s Knockouts. I came here as a wrestler and I want to wrestle.”

Dirt sheets (online newsletters and magazines) are often criticised for their treatment of the female members of the wrestling industry. Madison and her fellow Knockouts have fallen foul of such things before and have to take them in their stride unfortunately.

“You know I really try to stay away from anything wrestling related online or in magazines. In the past I’ve cried myself dry over things I’ve read, we don’t need that in our lives. So now I keep clear if I can. We do this for our fans, we all work our tails off to please people and what I find is that our fans come to see us perform in the ring, storylines are taken note of, but a live show gives them so much more. We meet them, sign merchandise, pose for pictures, ask them and they all agree TNA Live is the thing to see. Our fans are the greatest and most respecting you could ask for”

With a heart of a determined wrestler beating in her young body the ever improving Madison Rayne has the potential to become a living legend like her fellow TNA stars Tara and Mickie James, check her out each week when TNA Impact and PPV events move to new UK TV home Challenge TV this February.

Miz Interview Highlights

The Miz was recently interviewed, here are highlights:

You've told the story before about when you first came to the WWE that there were various people in the locker room who were not very supportive of you. What is the locker room like now when it comes to you and where you are at this point of your career?

The locker room is great now. It's completely different because a lot of those veterans are gone, that old school mentality is kind of gone and it's a whole new school kind of attitude and feel. It's fresh, it's new, it's exciting and the locker room is pretty good. I mean, obviously, you still have a couple of jealous, wandering eyes who see me and see that I have the title. Obviously, everybody wants that. Everybody wants my spot so I have a target on my back which is fine. I'm more than willing to have a target on my back. The fact is, you're going to miss every time because I'm still going to be the WWE Champion for a very long time.

You talked about how you changed your look and how important that has been for you. Please explain to me the popularity of John Cena and him still being able to wear jorts (jean shorts)?

I know. How do you wear jorts? That style left in the 80's or the 90's and he just keeps trying to being them back and the poor guy has no style. I mean, he has ugly purple and orange and whatever shirts he comes up with but the kids love it. The kids can wear exactly what we wears. Let's face it, there's no bigger I guess you can say than John Cena besides me. If you can get away with wearing jean shorts nowadays you must be pretty confident in yourself.

Have there been any particular guys in the WWE that have helped influence you? For me, I think I see some characteristics in you from Chris Jericho and various things he did. Did he influence you or was there anyone else that did?

Yeah, I still talk to Jericho a lot. When he came back that last time, that really influenced me a lot as well as Shawn Michaels. I've always been a big fan of The Rock. Those guys kind of influenced me as well as working with John Cena. Last year, I had a whole program with John Cena. Working with him taught me a lot at what I had to get, where I had to go to become a top talent in the WWE and become a main evener.

Thursday 27 January 2011

Triumph and Tragedy of World Class Championship Wrestling

The Triumph and Tragedy of World Class Championship Wrestling

By Phil Allely

Ever wonder where the idea for music driven entrances, over the top performances, glamorous valets and mega-shows came from in the world of wrestling? If you have this release is one for you. WCCW was a hotbed of in-ring action during its 1970s-1980s heyday, run by legendary grappler Fritz Von Erich it dominated local cable channels and grew into a very big concern for Fritz and his family. This DVD box et uses the WWE owned back catalogue of TV and pay-per-view recordings to their best and shows just how the company rose and unfortunately how it fell as well. Though the ride itself to the top and back down again is a heart wrenching one full of tragedy, yet somehow at the same time immensely watchable and involving.

At the centre of this set is a nice almost two hour documentary, (which does of course take a WWE slant on some things) which covers the Von Erich family in depth and highlights their in-ring triumphs and the personal demons each seemingly had accompanying them throughout their lives.

Brothers Mike, Kevin and Kerry were the main stars of the show in WCCW. They faced some of the wrestling worlds most well known and respected wrestlers during their prime and had some of the industries hottest and best attended matches of all time doing so. Across this set you get to see and hear comments from such luminaries as Ric Flair, The Fabulous Freebirds, Gary Hart and others of the era, plus a few talking heads from today’s sport. All of which are linked well with the documentary footage and other parts of the production.

For wrestling historians sets like this are pure gold, for fans of good honest wrestling they are stunning efforts too. The content has been well thought out and it’s not just the Von Erich’s who get profiled, whilst the sections on the late family members (many of which are deceased due to drug dependency, injury issues or other personal problems), we also get nice mini profiles of guys like ‘Gentelman’ Chris Adams, Gino Hernandez, Missing Link, Kamala and hardmen like Terry ‘Bam Bam’ Gordy. All of which pave the way for the second disc, featuring a dozen of the best matches from WCCW’s classic period. Matches include: Von Erich’s vs The Freebirds, Chris Adams and Sunshine tacking the paring of Jimmy Garvin and Precious, plus the wonderfully fulfilling NWA Heavyweight Championship cage bout between Ric Flair and Kerry Von Erich.

The Triumph and Tragedy of World Class Championship Wrestling certainly puts the emphasis firmly on the Von Erich boys and their determined father, the company they built out of Texas and how it spawned the way wrestling is presented now at all levels. The old footage is well delivered, the deceased wrestlers are lovingly remembered and last surviving Von Erich, Kevin has some interesting and moving nuggets of information on his family and the company they helped build.

The two disc dvd is available now from and all good retailers.