Friday 8 October 2010

TNA The Pope Interview

The Pope Will Arrive In January 2011!

By Phil Allely

TNA’s Pope D’Angelo Dinero is scheduled to appear on the companies January 2011 UK/Ireland tour, but prior to that he chatted to Phil Allely about some other ‘Pope’ stealing his limelight on these shores, and his World Championship aspirations amongst other things.

The Pope is currently visiting the UK, will you as TNA’s Pope be hoping to make as big a splash across the news as he has?

Of course I will I’ll be a part of the next UK Tour (January 2011 tickets on sale now). I can’t wait, in fact I’ve had so many people emailing me asking was I already in the UK.
They needed educating that only when I make it to the UK next year, will the ‘Pope’ really arrive. Unlike the other pope I preach what I wish to my congregation, there no one holding me back from speaking my mind and saying what I think. The Pope will make an Impact! (pun intended) when I travel with TNA to the UK and Ireland.

TNA’s flagship PPV Bound For Glory is just around the corner will you be on the card?

Last year I had an unfortunate situation that saw me miss BFG, this year I can guarantee that The Pope will be there.

I am currently talking backstage to get myself included in a possible four way at BFG, I may have lost my match against Anderson (at the No Surrender PPV), but the other two guys currently in the three-way (Jeff Hardy, and Kurt Angle) lost too in their semi final match, as there was no winner.
I want the Pope to face them all in a world title match.
However if that doesn’t happen I want to be a part of the show in some way, I don’t care who it’s against.

Coming from the WWE to TNA you were already reasonably well known as a wrestler, does that mean you don’t think of yourself as a TNA Original?

You know what that is a great question, kudos to you for asking, you see the pope arrived in TNA and he is more popular, bigger, better and higher profile than Elijah Burke ever was. So yeah I (The Pope) am a TNA original, I consider myself that and know my congregation do too. I’m a TNA original alright.

You seemed to be on the receiving end of a big push (and possible TNA title run) when an injury halted it, is that the case in your eyes?

I never had a push, that’s an over used word.
I wasn’t like Goldberg, Stone Cold or The Rock being thrown full throttle into things, by beating record numbers of guys, 3:16 spouting or turning heel, like they did to get a push.
I wasn’t pushed (by TNA) I was given an opportunity.
I took my opportunity and ran with it, my push was coming, but I got there first.
The Pope is ‘going to be’ the next TNA World Heavyweight Champion.
Out of the whole TNA roster is there someone you look up to or would relish a match with?

Sting as a dream opponent for me, I think he needs that something in a foe to motivate him (that creates a fire inside himself and spark between them), he is at his best when he is having fun (at this stage of his career you can see he does that) , you see the best of sting when he is enjoying being in the ring.
When I was in the WWE I longed to meet Sting and now I’m in the locker room with him, he has a unique ability to entertain a crowd.
Sting is the reason I watched TNA in the first place, he is an inspiration.
Ric Flair is the same, even when he is talking as ‘crazy Ric’, he is totally entertaining and you have to watch him.

You clearly know your stuff wrestling wise and have your own inspirational heroes working in the same company as yourself, does that affect your working with or locker room meetings with guys like Sing and Flair?

TNA’s locker room is a humbling place, it’s baffling too for me, as some other don’t feel as humble as The Pope does.
I appreciate these legends, I remember coming in off 12 hour shifts to watch these guys on WCW and I always dreamed to work for WCW, (thankfully it went bust and I didn’t though) ,but now I’m in TNA with them and its amazing to remember watching Sting being beaten up by the Horsemen, or watch Flair cut a classic promo and now I’m there centre ring meeting Hogan (Impact recently)and he’s there calling my congregation and using my moves instead of cupping his ear. It’s unbelievable really.

TNA’s tag team division is one of its prized possessions, will the Pope ever grace that area of the company?

No come on the pope wants the limelight for himself (laughs), it would take a really good reason to make him go that way.
Unless of course I get some lovely ladies as my team mates, then all bets are off and I’ll be there.

Watch out UK as TNA’s Pope prepares to preach to his congregation on these shores next January and catch up with his title chase each week on Impact! And the monthly PPVs.

TNA’s Bound For Glory Pay-Per-View is live this Sunday night in the US Oct 10th and will be shown live here in the UK the following Friday, check back

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