Thursday 21 October 2010

Fit Finlay Documentary

by Phil Allely

Fit Finlay - The Fighting Irishman

Dave Finlay is a legend not only in his native Northern Ireland, but across the globe. Finlay is one of only a few men who has become a household name in every wrestling organisation he has participated in and has worked in Europe, Japan, the UK and of course the US where he is now based.

Dave 'Fit' Finlay came to prominence in the 1980s during UK Wrestling's heyday on ITV, when such names as Big Daddy and Giant Haystacks were dominating the scene.

There with his wife/manager 'Princess' Paula at his side, heel Finlay was a man to be reckoned with and one of the most hated men on UK TV. This peak time in the United Kingdom and the popularity of Finlay's character led American organisations to become interested in his all rounded abilities.

Dave surfaced in in WCW during its final hurrah as a company and became a well respected member of the roster, he was very at home in the companies hardcore division. Taking part in some brutal and exciting bouts as a part of it.
His initial introduction to WCW fans was one of the most hard-hitting and exciting in the industry, Finlay attacked and destroyed fellow UK star Steven Regal in a wonderful piece of TV, setting up his character and cementing his place in the company.

An injury during one such bout left Fit with nerve damage to his leg, his career seemingly over and wrestling a mere afterthought. A stunt with a Table involving former Nasty Boy Brian Knobbs left dave fearing he would lose his leg. Fortunatley the leg was saved and miraculously Finlay was able to return to the ring a feew years later and once more compete in the sport he love sso much.

Fortunately the WWE came calling during this time and Dave became one of their trainers. Primarily as the man who put the Divas through their paces and he made a big difference in that division (match quality wise, every Diva he trained heaped nothing but praise on the Belfast man.

Finlay is a very respected person in wrestling circles, his ring competence and abilities are renowned.

So now after over 3 decades in the business he loves, tours of the world, wrestling for small crowds and featuring on Wrestlemania's, it is now at a time where Finlay is happily taking a backstage role in the WWE that someone has decided to profile his family in a documentary.

Here is a link to that documentary, which will be shown on Setanta soon and will be reviewed in full here shortly after.

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