Sunday 17 October 2010

Daniel Bryan Talks About His WWE Release and Return

Earlier this year hot new prospect Daniel Bryan (indy star Bryan Danielson) was fired by the WWE after he had choked out a ringside offcial during a WWE event, although he has now returned to the WWE Bryan has now finally explained a few things about what happened in an interview, excerpts of which are below.

On the incident that led to his release: "I had never had to work on a PG show before, I got caught up in what I was doing. I got to the back and they told me that we weren't allowed to do that kind of stuff. Vince (McMahon) called me himself and explained they were letting me go because they were a PG company and they couldn't have that kind of behaviour. But (after I was gone), the fans, the WWE Universe. was awesome. There were Daniel Bryan chants at shows. A main event of Randy Orton and John Cena and the fans were chanting for me. "

On receiving the news of his release: "When I got the news they had let me go, I was obviously devastated. For the next 24 hours, I thought, 'What am I going to do, I was setting up wrestling dates ... I was working on that. Then three or four days after a whirlwind of activity, I just thought, 'What just happened?' I just sat there and ate cupcakes for a couple of weeks."

On returning at SummerSlam: "I was really nervous coming back, at SummerSlam. I was going to be the seventh guy (on Team WWE against The Nexus). It was a big spot to be in. SummerSlam was the highlight of my career to that point."

His goal in WWE now: "I want to main event Wrestlemania, the main event in the biggest show of the year. That's the apex of anybody's career. But I know that a lot of people have had that goal and a lot of people never got there."

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