Tuesday 28 September 2010

Triple H's Deskjob

WWE superstar and former multiple time champion Triple H has been promoted to an Executive position within the company and is now working in a high profile role in the head office.
His official title is Senior Adviser and he will be working directly under (his father in law/company chairman) Vince McMahon on the creative side. A new office was being put together for Triple H in Stamford this past week.

There’s a lot of speculation right now about how this will effect his career in the ring.

Triple H is 41 years old and has had many injuries, but there isn’t being anything said about this leading to his retirement.

Real name Paul Levesque Triple H is married to Vince McMahon’s daughter Stephanie and has been pegged by many as the man who wiill run the WWE alongside her when her father eventually decides to retire.
He has has also done pretty much everything possible within the WWE, headlining Wrestlemania’s/PPV’s, raising titles, selling out global tours and has been a part of the highly successful DX brand with his friend (and Running The Ropes favourite Shawn Michaels).

Currently rehabilitating yet another serious injury Triple H is due to return to the ring soon and will most probably add a further world title to his long list of acheivements before he does retire to a life of backstage management in the WWE, although things as always can change in the grapple game.

Stay tuned to WWE programming and here at Running The Ropes with Phil Allely, for future developments.

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