Sunday 19 September 2010

DVD Review: Glamour, Glitz & Divas

DVD Review: Glamour, Glitz and Divas

By Phil Allely

Women wrestlers have always been a part of the sport since it began, back in the day they were of course actually able to work a match and not the untalented eye candy they are represented by in many of today’s wrestling organisations. These ladies were hard-hitting, tough talking all action heroines and they did indeed pave the way for many of modern wrestling’s leading starlets or divas as they have become known.
But just what does it mean to be a wrestling female? This release from Big Vision tries its best to show you what many of the women in wrestling have went through and also what they achieved.

The idea behind this documentary is to let us the viewer into a world we know nothing about, the one where females have to try to find their niche in an industry predominantly promoted, watched and competed in by men.

The stories are amazing to hear, sometimes hilarious, often shocking and yet so unbelievable to hear ,that each woman and her tales are welcomed with opened arms.

Going way back to the 1940s and The Fabulous Moolah and Mae Young this show takes in everything it can about the idea of women facing each other in the ring. Each of the talking heads has a story to tell and most present their particular one with style, honesty and aplomb.

This DVD is a wonderful insight into a world we only see one side of as fans and rarely if ever do we see it form the female perspective. To hear road stories, the experiences of these ladies and their peers, plus the peek behind the curtains into how they are often treated is impressive to say the least.

The fact that this release talks to some of the industries most well know females helps too, seeing people like Joanie ‘Chyna’ Laurer, Tammy ‘Sunny’ Sytch, (the late) Sherrie Martel and Missy Hyatt talk openly about the industry, their experiences, their various addictions, personal issues and more all helps to build up a picture that a great many wrestling fans don’t realise even exists.

For fans new and old this is a nice little snapshot of one side of wrestling that although highly publicised, mainly through photo shoots and some glamourous ring outifts, we really dont know much about the way the ladies are treated and how they feel about their place in wrestling.

There are some great sections too, where some of the girls openly discuss how they capitalised on their fame and high profle, many have went on to write books, act, sing and of course the inevitable Playboy Photoshoot that can earn them big bucks and gain them a cult following. Of course the flip side is presented too, the one where careers never pick after being dropped by a company, personal issues and ego prove to be downfalls and some never recover from them. The dark side of wrestling is not a male only part of the business and thast something this production goes out of its way to show.

Many of the lesser known faces who were interviewed during the making of this dvd have now went on to bigger and better things, most were struggling nightly at Indy shows here and now work for the likes of the WWE or TNA. Of course some have had their moments in the limelight and are now back receiving low payment sat small shows once more after being used and thrown away by the big two US companies, Nikki Roxx being one of them. She was better known as TNA's Roxxi, who returned in 2010 for a short run with the company, after being willing to have her head shaved and bleed for the promotion, yet in a very short time she was let go again.

Extras wise we have a selection of matches featuring Sara Del Ray, Nikki Roxx, Mercedes Martinez and Cheerleader Melissa. all of which are roughly shot, but great to see.

Glamour, Glitz and Divas gets a 7 out of 10, check out for more information.

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