Thursday 11 March 2010

Impact v Raw

my full Impact! recap is up on The Sun website, but below are somme points I feel need to be addressed from the first live TNA show of the Monday Night Wars part 2.

Hulk and Flair blading, a good move I think, the pair had a brawl that befitted their age and in a non-pg environment blood can be shed.

Hogan/Flair/Styles/Abyss opening and closing the show, I liked that, Stings interference gave it a nice spin and had us watching to see what happened next.

Sting turning heel, the stinger is known best as a face, so a heel turn was a shock, he still has some matches inn him, so good move there.

Beautiful Peopple winning knockouts tag belts, the Rayne/Sky combo is better than other incarnations, looking forward to some decent female tag bouts.

Shannon Moore, the high flyer has the potential to boost the x division.

RVD, great intro against Sting, too short a match, but what a way to enter TNA.

Jeff Hardy, he's back and cleaning house, great coup for TNA if he stays clean.

I enjoyed Impact, it trounced Raw and built up the Destination x ppv, the live alternate weeks bit worries me though.

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