Friday 29 January 2010

Rob Terry TNA Global Champ

As a veteran wrestling fan (over 25 years) I've seen only one title belt change hands in a match iI've witnessed live, that was the WCW title being dropped by Vader to Sting n 1992 (fact fans). So I was surprised to see TNA allow Rob Terry to win the Global Belt in his hometown of Wales this week. often hometown grapplers can lose of end up countout victors, Terry was lucky eh! he seems like a nice guy, but he should neveer hold a strap in a major promotion. I love UK tours spawning potential title changes, but they need to be ones we can enjoy, embrace and savour (sorry Rob).

1 comment:

  1. "Hometown of Wales"????
    I'm not sure the people from the country of Wales will be pleased about that comment :o)
