Monday 13 July 2009

Hulk Hogan Interview extracts

The Chicago Tribune online has a nice little article about Hulk Hogan and the recent Hulk Hogan Appreciation day held for him.
Extracts as follows, taken form an interview during the fan signing event at Toyota Park.

On the subject of a wrestling comeback?

Hulkster: About every third person asks me that at these sort of events, 'when are you going to get back in the ring again?' They don;t realise that even though I look the same way I did 30 years ago-kind-of-my body is pretty beat up. It's kind of hard to explain to them.
The hip replacements, back surgeries, elbow surgeries, shoulder surgeries..I never like to say never, but right now I'm on the rebuild and rewind process.

On how even signings take their toll?

Hulkster: I tried to get through it without letting anyone know I was having a hard time. I'd never had a chair there at an autograph signing before. Now I have a chair in my bathroom so i can brush my teeth. When I shave, I shave half of my face, lay on the floor for 10 minutes and then shave the other half of my face.
I had a hard time walking through Chicago airport today. I stopped one time to sit down and acted like I was doing something. I walked farther and then I went into the men's room. I leaned on the sink to crack my back and pretended I was looking at my face.

On Wrestlemania XXV rumours that never happened.

Hogan explained that although plans were talked about for his appearance at the event, they fell through when he required back surgery.
'I don't want to exclude it from my thought process (a comeback), but it seems to get farther out of reach, but it's (wrestling) like the one place that when I'm there I'm totally free'.

When his recent family problems (divorce, son Nick's crash etc) are brought up he respond.

Hogan explained that his spirituality and religion have helped him cope with the personal nightmares. He is also now in talks to share his rebuilding story on a new reality TV show.
Hulkster:'It's a show about someone who could have been a statistic, someone that could have been involved in turning everything into a crime scene, someone that could have ended up jumping off a bridge or sleeping in the gutter.'
'Even though I've had financial devastation, I am planning on having my greatest year physically, mentally, spiritually and financially. People will realise I'm not who they thought I was. I'm not who I used to be. Now I'm 100 percent dependent on the spirit of Christ'.
The show is likely to film in late August and be titled 'Finding Hulk Hogan' or 'The Resurrection of Hulk Hogan' and will be unlike his previously scripted Hogan Knows Best series.

Hogan also wne ton to say that he does not travel much these days and was pleased to find that the fans not only turned out in large numbers to see him, but all gave him positive feedback about his general condition and look. He said he felt good that as he apporaches his 56th brithday nonone said he looked old or that his physique had diminished from his prime. Although he did say that his once 24inch pythons (biceps) were now probably even smaller than the 20inches he measured them a a few years ago.

Read the full article on the Chicago Tribune website.

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