Tuesday 16 June 2009

The Wrestler On DVD

So after a few months of hype, Oscar nods and misses, festival success and a couple of new awards on Mickey Rourke's mantelpiece, I thought I might revisit the movie which I raved about when viewed in the cinema back then.

We all know the documentary style film tells the story of one-time grappling superstar Randy ' The Ram' Robinson and his fall from grace to a weekend warrior earning a pittance in front of a few fans.

Well watching it now, on reflection I may have over hyped the film, whilst it still packs a punch and makes for excellent viewing for us wrestling fans and diehards, the more casual viewer will indeed switch off. I really do now see why the hype ever saw the Oscar wins that seemed inevitable. The story is decent and absorbing, but it does lack something.

Perhaps its my inner cynic here, but the sections showing Marisa Tomei and Randy interacting at the strip club are really not needed. The unrequited love story idea is good, but the inclusion of more wrestling and less of Tomei's bod, may have helped attract non-fans more.

I still admit the movie is superb, the writing, acting, direction, style and tone are perfect, but it does on reflection lack something to make it a classic.

My revised score is 6.5 out of 10 (maybe it needs the big screen to hit home more)

Phil Allely

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