Tuesday 7 April 2009

Mania Notes

Wrestlemania was by all accounts a superb show and of course many sites have full reviews up.
I thought it best to simply make a few observations on the ppv.

Mickey Rourke's involvement in the legends match was OK, but looked false, however Rocky Steamboat showed true class cannot age, if Ricky jnr has any of that skill Vince better hang on to the guy.

The Divas battle royal had a dodgy finish, perhaps if a true diva had have been crowned it would have worked better. I cannot fathom why they had no introductions either (surely time restrictions can't have been that bad). Sunny looked pretty good eh!

My other note would be that Michaels v Undertaker (although the ending was expected) has all the makings of the best Mania match ever, it had it all and if the two never achieve that level of intensity again, it does not matter.

The rest of the matches were all decent to good, good to see CM Punk winning MITB again too.

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