Thursday 26 March 2009

Wrestelmania Thoughts

I've been thinking about Wrestlemania (well are we all not in some way) and how it has affected my wrestling fandom over the years. Although I admit I watched the old British wrestling shows on ITV in the 80s and WCW when it was shown on late night TV a bit later. My first real wrestling experience that made me a fan was getting the video (yes a video) of Wrestlemania IV, it was a big double VHS set and of course featured The Macho Man Randy Savage highly. Of course looking back now the matches were nothing spectacular and the so-called athletes were more masses of muscle than masters of the air and ring-manship that we expect today. They were simply larger than life real-life characters and that's why they appealed. Imagine you'd the choice of watching Big Daddy and Giant Haystacks waddling around the ring or watching Sky and seeing the tanned and ultra-over Hulk Hogan etc strut their stuff, it's no wonder the powers that be canned those UK shows not long later. So has our dedication to the US wrestling industry and wrestlemania been worth it? Yeah of course, it's the annual spectacle we all watch and it's the day when Vince McMahon and co pull out all of the stops, but what happens when stars such as Shawn Michaels, Undertaker, Batista and Edge retire or run out of steam, who will fill that void?
Anyway enough of that, I for one am looking forward to seeing what this years event has to offer and to see where the feuds take us.

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