Monday 2 March 2009

Hulk's Celebrity Wrestling Week Three

So three weeks in and Hulk's celebs are battling harder than ever. The remaining talent(and Dennis Rodman)have really had to up their game as the moves and in-ring action are moved up a gear. OK it's only moves like a hip toss and elbow, but when you are not trained or in some cases physically able to perform them it's a tough thing to do.
Rodman still sells and bumps awfully, but old pal Hulk seems to favour him anyway. Danny and Dustin def show promise and for all of his showboating Todd Bridges is proving to be a pleasure to watch i the ring. The girls are dwindling quick though. Maybe the in-ring activity is juts too physically demanding or more of a guy thing, but the only one remaining 'The Red Hot Red Neck' at least shows some skills and natural ability too.
As i said earlier it's car crash tv at its best and you really do have to give it a try.

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