Monday 30 March 2009

DVD Review You Shoot With Kevin Sullivan

This is the latest release from Kayfabe Commentaries and is a real treat to watch. Kevin Sullivan is a very charismatic man and his impact on wrestling is one that is still felt today. Sullivan may not be known by too many of today's smart wrestling fans, but for many of us that know him and his work this sit-down chat will be an essential purchase. The format is simple, fans submit their questions via email, video links etc and the man himself sits down and answers them.
Sullivan is open and honest about everything thrown at him and seems to answer truthfully, of course as he has no ties with any promotion right now that's understandable.
I'd thoroughly recommend this dvd to anyone, old school fans or modern days ones.
This man was a booker, grappler, on-air and behind the scenes talent and lived and worked during the Monday Night Wars, WCW-demise and battled his way around the Indy circuit too. he has some great stories to tell and does not pull any punches at all.

9 out of 10

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