Monday 23 February 2009

TNA Impact Review

Well we all by now know that I was less than impressed by TNA's Against All Odds PPV. The good news is that recent episodes of Impact have renewed my faith in the company.
In the latest edition we were treated to a street fight between the Motor City machine Guns and Lethal Consequences, it was a high-speed and quite brutal affair that featured steel chair shots, ladder spots and more.
Beer Money took on the Canadian duo of Petey Williams and Eric Young, this is anew idea by TNA where Beer Money put their tag titles on the line against a team and if they fail to beat Roode and Storm the pinned person will leave TNA for good. Unfortunately the person this time was Petey, a big mistake I'd say as he has tremendous potential and the roster will Miss him. He was in tears as the crowd wished him well.
In a poor match-up Brutus Magnus, Sheik Abdul Bashir and Matt Morgan teamed against LAX and Shane Sewell. Not bad, but Magnus really does need some work, he looked stiff once more int he ring. LAX and Sewel worked well together though.
We got to see Abyss and Dr Stevie have a consultation, let's hope Stevie Richards makes his on screen debut soon, he's a great character.
Finally after the bickering, arguments and in-fighting Kurt angle got his wish for an empty arena match with world champ Sting (I'm still not sure about empty arena matches, surely you want fans to witness the carnage!), anyway after some hard battling the main Event mafia stepped in and broke up the fight that Sting was dominating. Looks like he's still going to face Angle at Destination X now, let's hope that PPV wipes the memory of Against All Odds away!

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