Friday 6 February 2009

Hulk's Celebrity Wrestling Come's to Bravo

This Saturday at 8pm we can all indulge in a superb piece of car-crash TV courtesy of Hulk Hogan himself. Initially run on the US Country Music Network! the celebrity wrestling series found such a decent market and audience that second series if highly likely. Following in the footsteps of the ill-fated UK version of the same idea (that flopped a few years back). Hogan is the main man in a show that takes a bunch of c-list and below US stars, gives them a trainer (Nasty Boy Nobbs and Brutus Beefcake) and throws them into the world of pro-wrestling. The judges are Hogan, Eric Bischoff and Jimmy Hart. We can also expect some appearances by the likes of Goldberg and RVD, you may notice trend here, all the afore mentioned wrestling stars or characters are good buddies with the Hulkster.
Of course that's the idea, Hogan Know's Best (the series that brought the Hogan clan into our living rooms) was a huge hit and they hope that using Hogan's friends etc they can make another similar hit show here too.
I will of course comment on the show as i see it, what i can say is that it is reported to have been hated by Vince McMahon because it opened the world of wrestling up too much, for that alone it's worth a viewing or too.

The great news is that after this celeb bashing fun we can see some real pro's in action by tuning into the regular TNA Impact broadcast that follows on at 9pm.

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