Tuesday 15 April 2008

WWE King Of The Ring Tournamment

According to sources the next 3 hour RAw will feature a one-night KOTR style tournament.
The PPV was one to launch Steve Austin, Triple H etc to the big time, but swiftly lost pace and was reduced to a shorter series of matches that only took over the top ened of a ppv card and not the whole thing beofre being droppped totally.

Thsi years King of the ring one-night show will most probably fetaure 10 sueprstars fomr all three brands.

names bandied about are:
Jericho, Umaga, Michaels, Batista, Cm Punk, Big Show, Finlay, Kennedy, HHH, MVP.

should be interesting to see and of course to see what the show offers for the winner.

odds are Punk to win or MVP.

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