Tuesday 8 April 2008

Tracy Smothers A Benoit Style twist!

Here below is a online letter from Former ECW, WWE USWA Smoky Mountain and Japan star Tracy Smothers' former girlfriend, i do hope and pray that it is untrue but you never can tell, see what you think.

taken from www.tracysmothers.biz

April 7, 2008

When I decided to end my four year relationship with Tracy Smothers I ordered a three month supply of all his medications before I took him off my insurance.
I also made sure he would have the COBRA forms to be able to extend his insurance.

After I moved out of our home I left all his things in a storage closet in the back of our townhouse for his friend to pick up for him. His friend did that but Tracy has not bothered to go get anything from him.
That means he has none of his medications or the paperwork that he needed to extend his insurance.

I found out yesterday that Tracy has not taken his medicine in close to a month.
He is taking borrowed blood pressure pills and what he called nerve pills. He is still getting drunk every Monday and smoking pot daily.

I know for a fact that he has been having mini strokes since early Christmas morning.
It's happened to him in the ring and when he has been driving to shows.
He told me himself that he had one over a week ago and in the car on Saturday.
They are getting more frequent because he is off his seizure medication.

He has brain damage and post concusssion syndrome to the point where his neurologists told him that he should have gotten out of the ring ten years ago.

Anyone who steps into the ring with him is now taking their life in their own hands.
Any promoter who would consider booking him for a show is insane unless they want to see him die in their ring.

When Tracy is off his medications he is delusional, irrational, and has violent blackouts as well as the seizures and mini strokes.

Without his mediciations he will be the next Chris Benoit!

I got out because I refuse to wind up like Nancy.

If anyone sees him in public or at a show please encourage him to go get his medications that I have already paid for.
His friend has them waiting for him here in Nashville.

I am curently writing a book on dealing with his insanity. I just hope he lives until it is ready to go to press.
It will be a miracle if he survives much longer.

For more information about that please visit my website at http://www.reneepayne.com

I plan on donating most of the profits from the book to the
Nancy and Daniel Benoit Foundation for Abused Women and Children in Atlanta.

I'm not posting this to be mean or spiteful. I am trying to save his life!

Please feel free to repost this information on as many websites as possible.
Tracy has given his life to the wrestling business and now has absolutely nothing to show for it in return.
If anyone cares about saving his life please get him to start taking his medication and get out of the ring for good.

The wrestling business does not need the stigma of yet another untimely death.

Thank You!

Renee Payne

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