Thursday 17 April 2008

TNA Lockdown My Comments

So now i've wtache dthe PPV here are a few comments.
yet another success for TNA the evnt drew a ecent 5000 plus crowd, the idea of having a whole event of cage matches could be an awful one but having each match slightly different helps and there of course is not raising and lowering of the cage to interupt proceedings.
I was very impressed by the X Division scrap although there was an awful lot going on until the field was thinned down. Lethal, Devine, Dutt and Curry Man all showed well.
Queens of the Cage was a nice and varied attempt at a cage match, the knockouts all had a great bout before Laveaux pinned Angelina Love to caim the title shot at Awesome Kong.
BG James and Kip James took their team break-up to the cage and really did little to move on or end their feud, pity because they were once a sueprb team.
Cuffed in a cage had far too many men involved, it was very ahrd to keep track of what was going on, soem nice spots but the bodies in the ring did hold up things, Suerp Eric save sthe day again.
Awesome Kong/Raisha vs Gail Kim /ODB was very good, exactly what you expect from this talented set of grapplers.
Roode and Booker T will hopefully now move on from their feud after this tag team match, Sharmel pinning Payton.
The Lethal Lockdown cage match had it all, blood from Devon, some hard -hitting moves, although the action was so intense and so many people were involved that it probably was easier to watch via tv than live, the set pieces on the cage roof were dangerous, exciting and spectacular to see.
Nice to see Rhino get the win.
Joe and Angle was a no-brainer, no way was Joe retiring form wrestling and we all knew it, but this was a hard-hitting and brutal match-up, angle brought out the best in Joe and to see him win made this event stand-out.

overall a nice ppv that cement sthe companies position as number tow behind the WWE.

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