Wednesday 9 April 2008

Belfast Brawl Comments

I'm a fan of Dave 'Fitt' Finlay and proud to see that my fellow countryman has not only fought back from a career threatening injury (that left him unable to wrestle, but lead to a lucrative job as trainer to the WWE's female grapplers)to be able to coempete full time once more, but has inded had a large part in a very high profile storyline over recent months. That being the Hornswoggle McMahon story, this culminated in the Wrestlemania Belfast Brawl between Finlay and JBL. Unfortunately Finlay left Mania defeated and as such an uncertian future awaits him and his 'son' hornswoggle, they seem to be in a comeyd amtch limbo at present and whilst fun to watch does nothing for the mans career. I hope its only a small blip in what ahs been a superb WWE career to date. perhaps at the upcoming Odyssey Arena show in Belfast (which i will of course review) Finlay will get his revenge on JBL on home turf too.

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