Monday 11 February 2008

Kevin Nash Shoot Interview Review

Kevin Nash/Big Daddy Cool/Diesel/OZ whatever name you know him by big Kevin is one of the most recognisable men in wrestling, standing at near seven feet tall he was never a high flying technician in the ring, but got by with his intimidating presence, big boots and huge powerbombs. This dvd is anear three hour shoot one where the man himself give his comments and thoughts on his career to date, best and worst matches, people he loved working with and who he hated working with, angles, storylines, his friendship with Shawn Michaels, the Kliq, Scott Hall, winning the WWE title, jumping ship to WCW, the forming of the NWO, the Monday Night War, being a booker during that time, WCW's demise, his return to the WWE and his current role on screen in TNA. This is a sueprb and very insightful interview and Kevin seems to be open and honest in his answers and tales.

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