Wednesday 23 January 2008

John Cena DVD Review

SINCE he is currently on the shelf with an injury, this is the ideal time to refresh our memories as to just how good John Cena can be.
This new DVD, a bestseller in the States over Christmas, charts his rise to the top of the WWE and the realisation of his dream to win the world title.
We get a glimpse of John’s family background, his bodybuilding enthusiasm and the passion for wrestling that led the well-built young Cena to opt for a career in bone-bending.
His white rapper persona and initially weak wrestling skills divide grappling fans, with the kids loving him but hardcore followers booing him out of the building at consecutive WrestleManias.
But if you are a fan of the Massachusetts native, then this set offers everything you’ll ever need to know about your favourite superstar.
From his bodybuilding and American football days to his stint in WWE developmental promotion Ohio Valley Wrestling as The Prototype and subsequent call-up to the big leagues – it’s all covered.
We also see John’s transformation from a dull green ‘underdog’ to a hugely popular merchandise-shifting machine, thanks to the discovery that he could rap.
Clocking in at over eight hours, this three-disc offering takes in all Cena’s major interviews, promos and matches against top opponents including Shawn Michaels, Hulk Hogan, Rob Van Dam and Edge.
Extras include his popular segments and personal muscle car collection.
One for the fans maybe, but also one for anyone who wants to see how dedication and enthusiasm can take you to the dance even if you are a bit rough around the edges.
Rating: 7/10

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