Friday 25 January 2008

Belfast Brawl On WWE Smackdown

This week's Smackdown has a great match-up that will be entertaining and exciting both at the same time, it's the Belfast Brawl between my fellow Irishman Finlay and the Great Khali, the seven foot plus monster will try his best to beat the fighting Irishman in a match that surely is in Finlay's favour. Never one to back down from a fight Filay will give it his all and who knows may just be able to beat the Punjabi giant down to the size of Hornswoggle who Finlay has helped numerous time srecently in his tough love matches from Mr McMahon.
Smackdown will be most certainly worth viewing for this match-up alone, plus of course the final burst of activity before the upcomign Royal Rumble PPV event this weekend.

Phil Allely.

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