Wednesday 29 February 2012

WWE Pay-Per View Review: Elimination Chamber 2012

WWE Pay-Per View Review: Elimination Chamber 2012

Elimination Chamber is one of the last events in the WWE calendar before the company’s biggest show of the year WrestleMania. It is also usually the show where some of Mania’s final pieces fall into place, feuds can end, ones can ignite and in some cases even new champions can be crowned.

2012’s Chamber PPV kicked off with the Raw cage match for the WWE Title, here as per the stipulation form last week’s TV show Chris Jericho would be the final man to enter the fray (thus being the freshest participant) .His opponents were Champion Cm Punk, Kofi Kingston, The Miz, R Ttruth and Dolph Ziggler. Kingston and Punk starting things off, the match began to heat up nicely as the in-ring numbers swelled. All the guys on hand worked hard here, picking up 2 counts and ramping up the tension where they could. Jericho made an impact in this one, eliminating Ziggler and Kingston before he took a nasty knock to the floor from Punk. Thus leaving Y2J unable to continue the bout.

The finish came as final two Miz and Punk traded near-falls, the champ nailing a good looking GTS to retain his belt.

Next up Beth Phoenix defended her Divas Title against Tamina Snuka. The daughter of WWE Hall of Famer Jimmy ‘Superfly’ Snuka tried her best here, but she was no match for the over-powering strength of the reigning champ. Phoenix won with a decent looking Glam Slam out of the corner.

Before the Smackdown Elimination Chamber match former World Champion Christian made his return in a reasonable stoyline spot alongside Teddy Long, John Laurinaitis and Alberto Del Rio.

The Chamber scrap for the World Heavyweight Title then saw a mixed bag of competitors enter the steel structure. They were World Champion Daniel Bryan, Intercontinental Champion Cody Rhodes, The Great Khali, Wade Barrett, The Big Show and shock entrant Santino Marella.

The match worked reasonably well considering Khali was involved, Marella fast became the fan favourite and although true talent like Rhodes and Bryan shone through it soon became apparent that comedy character Santino was the man many wanted to win this encounter.

This result seemed a possibility as the pins began to occur, with Bryan and Marella left as the last two men standing. It wasn’t to be however as Bryan locked in the La bell lock for the tap out win to keep his gold.

Post-match Sheamus attacked Bryan to set-up their future feud.

The United States Title encounter between Champion Jack Swagger and Justin Gabriel was an ok affair, both men gelling well and taking opportunities to showcase their talent when available. Swagger overcame this challenge relatively easily though, using the ankle lock on a weakened Gabriel to hang on to his strap.

The main event saw John Cena take Kane on in a match perfectly suited to the ‘Big Red Machine’ an Ambulance Match. This was a reasonable if not overly exciting way to round things off though. His one featured everything from outside the ring fighting and weapons shots to the now customary trip through the Spanish announcers table. Both men attempted their finishers and Cena eventually succeeded, this move was marred slightly as Kane’s landing was hidden from our view.

Cena was then able to pull his prone opponent into the back of the waiting ambulance to take the win.

Elimination Chamber was an OK event, we didn’t see any title changes and some of the roster seemed to be thrown into the matches to make up numbers. The chamber matches may be losing their fan appeal, or perhaps it was simply their place on the card that lacked that vital spark a cage match usually brings with it. The often mentioned lack of blood or overtly violent behaviour also diminishes a cage matches drawing power.

Roll on WrestleMania.

By Phil Allely

Tuesday 28 February 2012

Monday 27 February 2012

Colt Cabana Interview Highlights

Colt Cabana spoke with The Void radio show this week and here are some highlights:

His dark match with WWE last year:

"Yeah, it was a dark match, or I guess you could call it a try-out match. It just helps fuel my story of being an underdog, do-it-yourself, nobody wants him, outcast of wrestling. I’m proud of being the next generation’s Abdullah the Butcher or Bruiser Brody, but not a hardcore psychopath, just the complete opposite. I did the match, everybody loved me, but for some reason, I don’t know what it is, the management doesn’t want me on their team – which is okay, because I love what I’m doing. But, there’s always this little part of me that was upset how Scotty Goldman turned out and really wants to right this wrong. Maybe I feel like this next one would go better than the first one came out, but it probably wouldn’t. I mean, I’m a kid who grew up watching the WWF, knowing that’s what I want to do for the rest of my life. As much success as I’m having with all these other projects, I’m still fighting to get there, I guess."

His new relationship with actor Jamie Kennedy:

"Jamie Kennedy and I have come together. We’ve put together a deal to work with each other to distribute wrestling related movies and projects. It’s all based on the success of the Wrestling Road Diaries, the movie I made, and to see if there’s a market outside of WWE. Jamie is a very smart businessman. He’s an out-of-the-box thinker, which is why he’s so successful with his projects; you know, like, the Jamie Kennedy [Experiment], and his movies [...] It’s basically two out-of-the-box thinkers coming together, and he has the reach to a lot of people that I don’t have the reach to. It’s the same thing, as I would have done in WWE, but WWE doesn’t want me. [...] I told Jamie Kennedy that some of the guys on Raw every week have 30 or 40,000 Twitter followers and they’re on TV every week, but I have almost double them despite never being on TV. I am simply a guy who lost four sh##ty matches on WWE television. It says something, I don’t know what it is, but it says something."

Wednesday 22 February 2012

WWE DVD Review: Vengeance 2011

WWE DVD Review: Vengeance 2011

By Phil Allely

The Vengeance Pay-Per-View had some mighty fine looking matches on its card, most of which ended up matching the hype they had received.

The main event war between John Cena and Alberto Del Rio for the WWE Championship was fought under Last man Standing rules and as such it warranted viewing. The fact that prior to this match the ring was destroyed made it all the more enthralling.

As the DVD cover shows the Big Show/Mark Henry World Heavyweight Championship match came to an earth shattering (well ring shattering) end. The bout itself had a few limitations and pacing issues, but it finished well indeed.

Sworn enemies Triple H and CM Punk took on the duo of Miz and R Truth in an inventive battle.

Randy Orton’s encounter with his former protégé Cody Rhodes highlighted yet again Orton’s in-ring prowess and Rhodes rise through the ranks.

Dolph Ziggler saw double duty at Vengeance, firstly tagging with Jack Swagger (against Tag Team Champs Air Boom), then he directly tackled the hugely popular Zack Ryder in a decent match.

The Diva division also saw action, this time it was Eve Torres taking her chances with ‘The Glamazon’ Beth Phoenix.

Vengeance 2011 certainly makes for entertaining viewing. Some of the results are surprising and even the poorer matches have their good points. The finish of the Henry/Show bout is well done and even though it reminds your reviewer of a previous finish (during Show’s previous WWE run) it does still make you take notice. The main event takes on a very different form when you see the participants having to work around a destroyed ring.

On the extras front we have a home video exclusive interview with Alberto Del Rio.

Vengeance 2011 is available now from and all good retailers.

RRP £17.99 (DVD), £19.99 (Blu-ray), running time 2hrs 55mins (DVD), 4hrs 17mins (Blu-ray).

WWE DVD Review Hell in a Cell 2011

WWE DVD Review: Hell in a Cell 2011

By Phil Allely

To many Hell in a Cell is a trip back to the good old days of the WWE when the blood flowed freely and the violence levels were ramped up to 11. The iconic image when you mention HIAC matches is that of Mick Foley being thrown off and through the cage by The Undertaker. Today though the new PG rated WWE still present this style of match, now though it is generally blood free and the violence seems toned down.

The 2011 even was an exciting one on many levels, it offered up the first Triple Threat encounter in the bout between WWE Champion John Cena and challengers CM Punk and Alberto Del Rio. This was a fun outing for all concerned and one where the champ didn’t even have to be pinned to lose his gold.

The second HIAC encounter was one of epic proportions, not necessarily for all of the right reasons, but it did highlight just how skilful Randy Orton is. Here the Viper pulled a wonderful match from the sometimes lumbering World Heavyweight Champion Mark Henry.

Elsewhere on this reasonably paced card was a well laid out scrap between Christian and Ireland’s own Sheamus. Both men gelled well in this one.

Sin Cara Blue and Sin Cara Black fought in what proved to be a poor match-up, but did highlight the reason why the WWE hired the Mexican stars in the first place.

The WWE Tag Team Title match between Champs Air Boom and Dolph Ziggler/Jack Swagger had its moments.

Cody Rhodes once again showed how fast he’s improving in his Intercontinental title meeting with John Morrison.

And Kelly Kelly battled Beth Phoenix over the Divas Championship.

Hell in a Cell 2011 is available now on DVD and Blu-ray, from and all good retailers.

RRP £17.99 (DVD), £19.99 (Blu-ray), Running time 2hrs 46mins (DVD), 4hrs 5mins (Blu-ray)

DVD Review: River of Darkness

DVD Review: River of Darkness

By Phil Allely

Having met TNA’s Kurt Angle and interviewed him about not only his wrestling career, but his budding acting one, I had high hopes for this release by his own company G2 Pictures. However even though it starred Angle in the lead role of Sheriff Logan this horror thriller film failed to ignite my interest too much.

That’s not to say that this is a movie to steer away from, if you take it as a throwaway made for TV style effort with a reasonable story, then you will get something from your viewing. It is fun to see how Kurt handles having more serious dialogue than when in the wrestling ring, he also does have a certain stage presence that if explored could be interesting in future efforts.

River of Darkness is about a small river town’s inhabitants and a series of horrible murders that befall them. The murders are quite graphic, so perhaps keep youngsters away from this movie due to that. The murders all lead back to a shady piece of town history and the return from purgatory of long-deceased river squatters the Jacobs Boys (former wrestling world champions Kevin Nash and Psycho Sid Vicious).
You can pick up a copy of this movie form all good stockists and online stores, visit for information on other releases too

Friday 17 February 2012

TNA PPV Review: Against the Odds 2012

TNA PPV Review: Against the Odds 2012

By Phil Allely

Following up on their hugely successful UK tour TNA dug deep in planning February’s Against All Odds Pay-Per-View, the event promised title matches, challenge matches and appearance by all the company’s big players. The end result saw new champions crowned, feuds continue and unfortunately a young roster member sustain a bad injury.

The event kicked off with a match that highlighted just how dangerous professional wrestling can be. Battling it out for the #1 contender spot for the X Division Championship Jesse Sorensen and Zema Ion were having an exciting match until a mistimed moonsault from Ion legitimately injured Sorensen. Sorensen was rushed to hospital and has suffered a very serious neck injury. Ion won the match by count out.

Shannon Moore stepped up to take on TV Champ Robbie E in a bonus match-up. Moore took the fight to E and went to the air for some nice set-pieces, however Big Rob Terry’s interference helped E hang on to his belt.

The Knockouts Title cat fight between champion Gail Kim and challenger Tara was a decent one. Madison Rayne and Kim teased the break-up of their alliance and Kim dominated the action by punishing Tara’s knee, Kim winning with the ‘Eat Defeat’ finisher.

The team of Samoa Joe and Magnus then ran roughshod over the dominant Tag Team Champions Matt Morgan and Crimson in a thoroughly enjoyable big man encounter. Joe and UK star Magnus pulled off the win with the help of a Crimson mistimed spear, to snare themselves the doubles straps.

As usual the X Division almost stole the show next, title holder Austin Aries and Alex Shelley working well together. Shelley however couldn’t overcome the flashy and confident Aries, who forced the former Motor City Machinegun to tap out.

Former Fortune teammates AJ Styles & Kazarian then faced off in a heated match-up. Daniels presence at ringside proved to be Styles downfall but, his contempt for ‘The Fallen Angel’ gave Kaz the opportunity to steal the pin.

Gunner versus Garett Bischoff had its moments, the presence of Eric Bischoff and Hulk Hogan at ringside helped too. Hulk stepped in to stop Eric’s cheap shots on his son, however Gunner dominated Bischoff jnr, punishing his neck in particular. The end came as Hogan contemplated throwing in the towel to save his protégé, allowing Gunner to hit a DDT for the win.

The main event saw World Heavyweight Champion Bobby Roode use his conniving ways once more to remain at the top of the TNA pile. Opponents Jeff Hardy, Bully Ray and James Storm did all worked hard to take the belt from Roode. This entertaining match saw all four share the spotlight, hit trademark moves and gain near falls. The finish came as Roode spat on guest referee Sting and The Icon swung the World Title at him in return, the belt shot missing Roode and decking Hardy who the chemp quickly pinned for the 1,2,3.

Against All Odds was a very reasonable effort from TNA, it ticked many boxes, new tag team champ crowned and Bobby Roode’s career ascent continued. The only let down was the sad news that Jesse Sorensen’s injury could be career threatening. Perhaps the new writing team, backstage shake-ups and news that Vince Russo has moved on will see a change in the hit and miss match-ups, confusing storylines and unfathomable finishes we’ve seen over the years?

Wednesday 15 February 2012

Mick Foley Interview Highlights

Belwo is from

Interview with Mick Foley - He's Back!


Mick Foley is back in WWE! He was in the UK last year for his Stand Up Comedy Tour and he's back again this February for a second tour. He's also returned to WWE and has even wrestled! We chatted to Mick about his comedy and his wrestling.

QMick, when we last spoke you were about to embark on your comedy tour of the UK, how did that go?

AWell, I guess it went well enough to merit a return. That's the thing about sequels; they don't make them very often for failures. Which is why there was never a second Chamber of Horrors match...or a second Kennel From Hell. I had a blast on that last tour, and I think just about everyone who showed up did as well.

QDid the audiences differ from much those in America?

AThe audiences did differ quite a bit from those in America - nowhere near the number of Americans! Actually, without pandering (not that I'm above it) the UK audiences seem to pick up on subtleties more than most US audiences do. A smaller percentage of the US audience picks up on some of the things the UK audiences appreciated readily. That makes it fun for me.

QTell us about Tori Amos in Glasgow?

AOh, that night in Glasgow was an incredible experience on that last tour! Never again will be able to walk a single block from one of my gigs into a venue where my favorite performer is playing. It was just great; a sold-out, very enthusiastic crowd, a great night of music, and a very nice chat with Tori. She's been just great to me. But I say it will never happen again, because if it happens once, it's a charming circumstance. If it happened again, she might find it a little creepy. She might have extra security waiting for me at the door!

QYou'e recently returned to Raw, what was it like to be back in WWE again?

AReturning to Raw was very nice - like returning home after a few years away. But my first WWE shows back were off televsion, in Dublin, Manchester, Birmingham and Newcastle. Dublin was the first, and it was a surprise to everyone, even the WWE Superstars and Divas. Everyone did a double-take, and said, "oh, it's you" and walked away unenthusiastically. Actually, it was a happy scene - plenty of hugs to go around!

QDo you think maybe there's one more WrestleMania match left for Mick Foley and if so who would you like it to be against?

AI just don't think I've got another great Wrestlemania match left in me. I mean, I could always be IN a match, but i think my days at or near the top of the card are behind me. But the Rumble showed that there might be a market for a Santino/Foley team...maybe a "Crouching Cobra, Hidden Socko" type of thing.

QWill you be doing anything differently on your second comedy tour here in the UK?

AI like to go with the flow when I do these shows. On one night, for example, I may do mainly material inspired by questions I get during the meet and greet, which will inspire some type of story or ridiculous observation. I'm also thinking of debuting some things that have been bouncing around inside my brain for a while. The only thing I can guarantee is that the material will be almost completely different than what I did in November on my last tour. Plus, I am working on an entrance that will be woth the price of admission alone! People can just get up and leave after the entrance if they want; I won't be offended. Especially if they buy a t-shirt on their way out.

QLots of fans have been calling for you to become the new GM of Raw. Is this a position you'd like and if so what be your first big change?

AI would love to be the GM of Raw. Talk about a dream job. I really wish I'd stayed on long-term when I had that gig in 2000. I'm not sure what my first move would be, but there are so many good young Superstars I could play off of. I still get fans asking me about the suff I did with Edge and Christian when I was commissioner. I would love to create that type of chemistry with some of the current Superstars..and Divas. There is already a vague sexual tension between me and the Bellas backstage - so thick you can cut it with a knife!

QDo you have another book planned? Any scoops for us?

AI actually just started my next book today. It's a WWE children's book and I'm hoping it will be out before Christmas 2012. It will be a unique holiday tale, with a little bit of a lesson learned for a naughty kid like the Miz.

QIn one sentence, why should people come to see one of your stand up comedy shows in February?

AMy comedy is still largely an unknown entity to people on both sides of the Atlantic. So most of those who come are still taking something of a leap of faith; trusting that i will not let them down. Almost everyone who showed up last time walked away very pleasantly surprised. I think that will be the case again this time. Just lower your expectations and you'll be fine!

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Hulk Hogan to shave moustache!

Hulk Hogan will shave off his iconic moustache for a 'couple million bucks'.

The legendary wrestler recently revealed he was considering losing his famous facial hair to increase his chances of landing some film roles.

Since making the revelation, the 'TNA IMPACT Wrestling' star has been contacted by some major cosmetics companies who want to pay to film him making the cut and he is ready to have a shave for the right price.

He exclusively told BANG Showbiz: 'When I talked about it (shaving off the moustache) everyone went crazy. Loads of people began jumping on it and the next thing I knew people were like, 'Oh my god he's shaving his moustache off!' The next thing I know is I had one of my sports agents calling me saying, 'Don't shave it off!' I've heard from Gillette, Right Guard. They said we may have a deal, so I said I'd wait for a while.'

When asked if he really would lose the moustache - which Hulk has rarely been seen without over the last 40 years - he added: 'If you pay me a couple million bucks, hell yeah I'd shave it off! It grows back.'

The grappler-and-actor was in the UK last month on the Maximum IMPACT Tour.

The leg of the tour which took place at London's Wembley Arena was filmed to be broadcast on 'IMPACT Wrestling' - which is aired on Challenge TV in the UK and Ireland and Spike TV in the US.

JBL Interview HIghlights

If they weren't booing me, I wasn't doing my job

Beyond Rugby organizer John Layfield talks about his life as a pro wrestler, JBL talks to the Blatimore Sun, highlights


How did you get involved in pro wrestling?

I was playing pro football and I couldn’t pass the physical after my third year. I had always been a wrestling fan so it wasn’t like a last ditch option for me. It was something I grew up loving. My earliest memory was watching wrestling with my grandfather. When I got hurt I had the opportunity to get in to wrestling — It was a childhood dream for me.

Who did you play football for?

I played with the Los Angeles Raiders for a cup of coffee in 1989 then I played in the World League of American Football for San Antonio.

Which of your wrestling personas did you enjoy the most?

JBL was my favourite. I enjoyed the Bradshaw character — the beer drinking character from Texas. It was just fun. For Ron Simmons and I, that was us. The WWE saw two old football players sitting around drinking beer and they wanted to put that on TV. We had a blast with that.

The JBL character came along. Vince McMahon will deny this because he didn’t see any parallel with the JR Ewing character (from the TV show Dallas), but in my mind it was a JR Ewing character. It was my idea.

I had wanted to be this JBL character for some time, but I was doing so much for the troops and going to Iraq for Christmas and doing shows for the troops.

Because of this Vince didn’t want me to be a bad guy. A confluence of factors happened. Big Show got hurt, The Undertaker got hurt and Brock Lesnar left the company and they needed a guy to face Eddie Guerrero. Vince asked me if I wanted to do the JBL character and I said ‘I’d love to and said let’s give it a whirl’.

Did you rehearse your matches ahead of time?

The best way for me to explain how it works is like two ad lib comedians. You get up on the stage and you don’t know what the audience is going to buy or not to buy. The ad lib comedians don’t have a set plan and the best way to do it in wrestling is not have a set plan. The finish is orchestrated — who is going to win and who is going to lose, but as far as how you get there you have to figure out what the crowd is buying and what it’s not buying.

How many matches would you wrestle in a year?

When I first started out I remember wrestling 117 straight days and that was wrestling matinees on Saturdays and Sundays and then an evening performance. So when I first started it was about 250 nights a year. The older I got the less I could do so I had to pick my spots.

Being a big time WWE wrestler seems glamorous, but what’s it like getting to that point?

I wrestled in the carnivals in Europe for two years and that’s as bad as it gets. I had a 16 ft long trailer that was 6 ft wide and that’s what I lived in for two years. I had no running water and lived on a campground with travelling gypsies. In the winter I literally lived on the parking lot next to where I would wrestle. If I had to go to the bathroom I had to go inside or in the hall or the shower— it was not a very glamorous lifestyle.

How did you move up to the ‘big leagues’?

WWE had found me somehow. They told me they wanted to hire me when I was done with my tour, pending a trial match. It was freezing cold in Germany at that time so I was ecstatic.

So what was your first WWE persona?

Justin ‘Hawk’ Bradshaw. Vince McMahon wanted me to be Bradshaw and I don’t know why. He wanted me to be a country character. I wanted to be John Bradshaw because people didn’t last too long and I wanted to take my name with me. To do that, I had to have a name that was real. If they create it, they keep the name. That’s why wrestlers change names so many times. I was using the name John Hawk and it ended up being Justin Hawk Bradshaw so that backfired because all my autographs had to be Justin Hawk Bradshaw.

How much of the autograph signing and other publicity stunts did you have to do?

What was so great was when I was a champion for so long I was a bad guy. You don’t want the bad guy out signing autographs because you don’t want people to start liking him so I never had to go to autograph sessions as a bad guy. Because you didn’t want to see in the paper the bad guy holding a kid because then people would think “Oh, he’s really a good guy”. You want to keep up that image that is a bad guy.

Did it bother you playing a bad guy?

I understood it was theatre. To me, it was never a problem being a bad guy. You would have people say something nasty to you in the airport, we had some that bothered them and couldn’t be bad guys in wrestling because it bothered them too much. To me, that was a kind of certification you’re doing the right thing. That never bothered me because hopefully one day that person would come to watch me lose and be entertained and go home happy. I was much more successful as bad guy than I was as a good guy.

What was the best thing about playing a good character?

Being a good guy is easy. I had a wrestling match in Bagdad. They were all booing me. As soon as it was over they would all rush the stage and say ‘Thanks for coming. That was great. Did you hear us booing you?’ They all understood that was part of the show. When you’re a good guy you get to interact with the fans a lot more.

Who did you like wrestling against?

The Undertaker was far the best. He and Eddie Guerrero — who was probably the most popular Hispanic character of all time — and those guys were just magicians. Those guys were so good and so professional and talented. With some guys, I wrestled hard, they wrestled hard but there was no chemistry. It’s frustrating because you’re wanting people to be happy because they’re spending hard-earned money. You want them to enjoy the show but I walked away thinking ‘I just didn’t do my job.’

How much time did you spend working on your wrestling moves?

I was trained as a proper Greco-Roman wrestler. It all comes from knowing the proper art and then adding a few theatrics to it.

What was your favourite move?

The Clothesline. Every character who has done a cowboy did The Lariat, which is just a clothesline. I remember when I was in Japan and to finish a match I did a clothesline and the boss said to me ‘I’ve got to hit him harder.’ So I finally developed this unique clothesline move that didn’t actually hurt people but looked like I was killing them. That came from weeks and weeks of tinkering on the Japanese tour.

How much of it is real wrestling?

It depends on the match. When I used to wrestle Kurt Angle, who was a legit Olympic gold medallist, a lot of real wrestling moves were involved. I couldn’t wrestle with him as he was the best out of six billion people, but we did a lot of pure wrestling moves because that was what was expected of him.

What do you miss the most about the WWE?

I miss the boys. I got into Twitter six or eight months ago and I love it because I’m sitting watching the Super Bowl and Stone Cold Steve Austin is watching it. They’re sending me messages and its fun. That’s’ the appeal of social media. Most people miss the dressing room. We had some very entertaining chracters and guys could sit around and tell stories for hours and have fun. I also miss the crowd. When you get it right and they leave happy, that’s pretty cool.

Monday 13 February 2012

Former TNA Star wins IWGP Title

Former TNA star wins IWGP Title

By Phil Allely

Kazuchika Okada, who worked for TNA as Samoa Joe’s masked cohort Osaka is the new IWGP Heavyweight Champion.

At the company’s The New Beginning Pay-Per-View this past weekend Okada ended Hiroshi Tanahashi’s epic 13 month reign as champion.

The PPV also saw the duo of Davey Richards and Rocky Romero win the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship from Prince Devitt and Ryusuke Taguchi.

Sunday 12 February 2012

DVD Review: WWE Unauthorised

DVD Review: WWE Unauthorised

By Phil Allely

WWE unauthorised is a reasonable look at the empire that is Vince McMahon’s WWE, the difference between this and other releases is that this is an independent production and as such has not reason to gloss over events or situations as other official one shave in the past.

Over its short (60 minute) runtime this DVD offers up a glimpse behind the scene of the WWE machine and some information on such things as wrestlers pay, storylines, the McMahon family and the lifestyle of a typical WWE wrestler.

There are also some insights into the tragic night Owen Hart died and many other controversial situations from the companies past.

Of particular interest here are the sit down interview with former WWE writer (and current TNA pen man) Vince Russo, former superstar Tito Santana and many other big names from WWE past and present.

The information compiled on this disc are all common knowledge, but perhaps this is the first time they have been gathered in one place, WWE fans old and new will feel enlightened by this presentation.

WWE Unauthorised is available now from all good retailers.

Friday 10 February 2012

Samoa Joe Interview Highlights

Samoa Joe: Magnus and I have natural timing

BY Phil Allely

Former TNA World Heavyweight Champion Samoa Joe is currently riding high in the company once more after a long period of nonsensical feuds and unpopular gimmicks. Aligned with UK grappler Magnus Joe has returned to hard-hitting ways and both are set to tackle current tag champ Matt Morgan and Crimson this coming week at the Against All Odds PPV.

The Joe/Magnus team seemed and odd one, but it works very well and has certainly put a spring in the ‘Samoan Submission Machine’s’ step.

“There’s definitely a natural timing between Magnus & myself as far as what we do in the ring and it’s natural in the fact that it’s not practiced. Magnus lives a few States away from me and I’m always never at home so to get time to actually work with a tag team partner and work out the kinks we haven’t had that much time. We meet for a little bit beforehand and then we discuss we’d like to accomplish but it’s a testament to his ability that he’s able to get in the ring, read off of me what we’re doing and just go from there. I think that’s the biggest key element that works between us is just there’s a weird innate & natural timing between the two of us.”

Joe was also a part of the recent record-breaking UK Tour alongside such big names as Hulk Hogan, Sting, Kurt Angle and many others, something which he clearly enjoyed.

“The level of excitement for the performers was off the charts. You had some guys who had not been in that environment yet, who were looking around the arena going “wow, this is pretty spectacular”. To walk into an arena to look out into a crowd & see the anticipation in their faces and when you hear that first initial roar of the crowd when the show started up it definitely ramped everybody and got us all ready to go.”

Joe is no stranger to the UK fans and has appeared many times in front of them for various sized companies, TNA’s success on UK TV and live has shocked the big man though.

“The popularity in general in the UK has surprised me. I think it’s a combination of our front office positioning us well with the right networks. I think a lot of it has to do with the taste of the UK fans. I think the UK fans in general, I think they appreciate great wrestling, they appreciate athleticism. I think they appreciate maybe a little less story & more action. Before I was in TNA I came over for several years with other companies & made forays in the UK. it was always just a hot bed for the art of professional wrestling. I think a lot of that has carried over into what you see today. For TNA at present I think international expansion is the key to our growth. It boggles my mind that there hasn’t been a full time major national promotion in the UK up to this point. I would love to see TNA run in the UK/Europe more, our expansion into India is going fantastically too.”

A man not to be pigeon-holed Joe is as happy in the ring against a heavyweight as he is facing off in a high flying X Division scrap. With that division once more flourishing would he consider a return to that style of match-up?

“Absolutely. Me & (current X Titlist Austin) Aries have a past and I’m sure I owe him a few. I think the X-Division has hit its stride again, it’s on the back of performers like Aries and a lot of guys who are coming back of injuries right now. I would like to go back into the X-Division. Obviously the powers that be have set a weight limit that I don’t think I’ll be breaking anytime soon, but yeah any chance to compete with great athletes in the ring I’m always up for. If there’s one thing people know about me in pro wrestling, I’m not scared of a scrap. I don’t care about who it is, if you want to get in there we’ll go. I have very, very fond memories of my time working in the X-Division & the matches I’ve had in the X-Division and would love to revisit that any opportunity that I get.”

You can see Joe (and Magnus) challenging the Tag Team Champions at Against all Odds on Wednesday February 15th at 10pm on Challenge.

Thursday 9 February 2012

Hulk Hogan Interview Highlights

Hulk Hogan spoke to The Sun on a number of topics including creative control, Ultimate Warrior, not losing to Shawn Michaels in 2005, the Montreal Screwjob and more.

Regarding Hogan's use of creative control dating back to his time with World Championship Wrestling, he said, "People say 'Hogan, you have this creative control clause?' and I say 'yeah, but the only time I've ever exercised it in 30 years is when Vince Russo screwed me'. And it didn't even help then! I got screwed and couldn't do anything about it!

"Nowadays, we have a working relationship. I would have bet my bottom dollar that we wouldn't work together again. There was a point in time where if I was to go to TNA it was him or me. The truth is Eric Bischoff sold me on it. Eric had met with Vince and explained to me how things were different and we should sit down to talk."

In June, Ultimate Warrior released a hate-filled attack against Hogan, claiming the wrestling icon is a cocaine-abusing "dope head" who once tried to get Warrior to have sex with his wife. Hogan says of his rival, "What is the Warrior doing? What has this guy been saying? I've never approached him for sex. I can't speak for my ex-wife!

"We had a guest house, he stayed in it. We worked in my gym, he hung out in the pool all day with my kids, he was super nice to family. There was nothing but respect.

"All the insane, crazy stuff he is saying is nuts. Now even the most hardcore Warrior fans know he's a goof. His cover's gone now, he's so far out of line everybody just knows he is an idiot. He has no credibility. It's sad."


TNA Live Review - Manchester 2012

TNA Live Show Review Manchester: January 2012

By Phil Allely

TNA’s annual UK tour/European tours have become huge deals. Each one building on the last and as the company’s popularity rises the quality of the roster has met it. Past tours have seen the cream of the crop make appearances on UK shores, this year was no different as the legendary Hulk Hogan was added to an already bulging card. Hulk joining Sting (in his final UK appearances), World Champion Bobby Roode, Kurt Angle, AJ Styles and many other top names to thrill the loyal fans who have made Impact Wrestling one of the most watched TV wrestling shows available.

With 5,000 loud and excited fans in attendance at Manchester’s MEN Arena TNA did what they do best and put on a top notch live show, the air was electric and the wrestlers all stepped up their game to keep it there. Hosts Christy Hemme and Jeremy Borash ensuring things moved smoothly in between the matches.

Things kicked off with a nicely paced X Division Title triple threat scrap. UK talent Mark Haskins fared well against Alex Shelley and champ Austin Aries in what proved to be a riveting affair, Aries retaining his belt by pinning Haskins.

The undefeated Crimson and (another) UK veteran Douglas Williams worked a stiff bout next. Both trading the advantage and teasing their finishing moves. Fan favourite Williams however failed to his quest to end Crimsons winning streak.

The hugely ‘over’ AJ Styles had to work extra hard to pull a decent match out of Immortals Gunner. Styles did pull it off though, his high spots were superb and Gunner got in some good shots before a Pele kick gave AJ the winning three-count.

The Knockouts Division were well represented next. K.O. Tag Champs Madison Rayne and Gail Kim (also the K.O. Champ) facing off against the duo of Tara and Mickie James. James carried most of the bout for her team, taking considerable punishment before Tara got the hot tag. Referee Earl Hebner (who had already relished his Montreal Screwjob infamy by donning an ‘I screwed Bret’ tee and sunglasses) was once again a fixture of this bout, receiving mouth to mouth from the lovely girls for his trouble. James and Tara picked up the win after a ‘widows peak’ put Kim away. The winners then shared a kiss or two to the fans delight.

TNA president Dixie Carter then appeared post interval to praise the UK fans, generate interest in the London TV tapings and hype up the main event.

In an Xplosion only match TNA World Heavyweight Champion Bobby Roode defended his belt against the formidable Samoa Joe. (a result which can be seen on Xplosion soon).

The main event then took the roof off the building, featuring the team of uber heel Bully Ray (donning a Liverpool football shirt) and Kurt Angle against Sting and James Storm. This soon became a six man bout as Bobby Roode returned to fight once more and Hulk Hogan showed up to join the faces.

The match was an old school fan pleaser. Hogan worked a few spots in the ring, Sting and Storm taking most of the shots and moves. Bully Ray, Angle and Roode were on fine form throughout. Hogan utilised a walking stick on Ray to allow for a ‘Stinger Splash’ and ‘Last Call Superkick’ combo from his teammates to put the Bully away for the win.

Once the posing, ‘Hulking Up’ and cheers died down the end result was a definite thumbs-up to TNA from the Manchester natives. The card worked well, the matches were all worth seeing and the roster seemed intent on making the night a success. The TV tapings the next day would be a more structured affair with less change to deviate from the script, but for a company such as TNA these live tours are exactly what they need to show just how much they bring to the table in the wrestling industry. As the 2012 shows begun the company showed how dedicated to the UK they are by announcing January 2013 tour dates.

Saturday 4 February 2012

Country Music Stars Son Joins WWE

New WWE Star's Country Roots

By Phil Allely

As reported by entertainment website TMZ, Country Music legend Kris Kristofferson's 6'2" son has begun his career as a wrestling superstar by starting work for WWE developmental territory FCW.

"Big Country" Jody Kristofferson as he is billed locked horns with several other up-and-coming wrestler's in the WWE's Florida based training facility this week, his developmental contract having been a major talking point amongst smart fans in recent weeks.

Jody has been a regular face on the independent wrestling scene for the last few years, his build, in-ring ability and famous family member have all alegedly led to his signing with the WWE.

According to reports from within FWC Jody has impressed trainers well so far and there are high hopes that he will make it on to WWE TV soon.

WWE DVD Review - Night of the Champions 2011

WWE DVD Review: Night of the Champions 2011

By Phil Allely

Night of the Champions has been a welcome addition to the WWE Pay-Per-View calendar, being one of the few shows where each title is defended and pretty much anything can happen during said defences.

The 2011 event was an above average effort and one that fulfilled a lot of fans desires, in that it included revenge/challenge matches gave many of the participants a degree of respect and honour gaining in the process.

NOTC kicked off well with high flyers Air Boom (Kofi Kingston/Evan Bourne) defending their Tag Team gold against the heel pairing of R Truth and The Miz. This was a fast-paced outing and one that warrants repeat viewing.

The Intercontinental battle between former team mates Cody Rhodes (champion) and Ted DiBiase was a decent affair.

Dolph Ziggler’s Fatal Four Way United States title defence against Alex Riley, Jack Swagger and John Morrison was a fun-filled frantic scrap.

The World Heavyweight match between Randy Orton and Mark Henry was well-worked and Henry looked his best in years.

With the Divas Championship on the line Beth Phoenix versus Kelly Kelly had its moments and although short did give the division a spot on the card.

Alberto Del Rio and John Cena had a pretty good encounter over the WWE Championship, there were some interesting highlights and this proved to be another match worth viewing again.

PPV main event the CM Punk/Triple H No Disqualification match proved to be the perfect finale, both men working hard and Triple H showing that his age and expanding waistline don’t hinder his in-ring expertise and skill. Opponent Punk must have been a dream one for Trips, bioth men making the other look like a million dollars.

One the extras front we have the contract signing from the August 30th Smackdown.

WWE Night of The Champions 2011 is on release now form and all good retailers.

RRP £17.99 (DVD)/£19.99 (Blu-ray)

Running time 2hrs 59mins (DVD)/4hrs 14mins (Blu-ray)

Thursday 2 February 2012

WWE PPV Review: Royal Rumble 2012

WWE PPV Review: Royal Rumble 2012

By Phil Allely

The Royal Rumble is one of the WWE’s most popular, talked about and often exciting events on its Pay-Per-View calendar. The 2012 effort may not join some its predecessors in historic terms, but it did offer up some interesting encounters/results and it did (as it should) pave the way for event of the year WrestleMania.

Opening up with a steel cage match, the Rumble tried its utmost to build a decent level of momentum to carry the live crowd and viewing audience through to the all-important 30 man over the top main event.

Said cage match saw World Heavyweight Champion Daniel Bryan face off against the huge lumbering duo of Mark Henry and Big Show. Although average at best this was a decent bout for all concerned (considering the opponent for Bryan’s gold). Bryan fared well against the mighty power of Henry/Show and escaped the cage to retain his belt and hopefully progress to a more worthy championship defence at Mania.

Next up was a hastily thrown together Divas encounter, which to be honest only ate into valuable ring time. The teams of Beth (Divas Champ) Phoenix, Natalya and the Bella Twins facing off against the quartet of Kelly Kelly, Tamina, Alicia Fox and Eve Torres. The ladies tried their best, but the short length of the match and talent on offer reduced the quality here. Phoenix nailed a reasonable Glam Slam to take the win for her team after some back and forth action.

Kane’s return under his mask once again has seen his character back at its more edgy self. The match between him and perennial main eventer John Cena was an adequate effort from both, Cena especially was on the receiving end of some serious fan reaction. His heel turn teasing continued (but will probably never happen) and Kane showed no sign in losing any of the momentum his newly rejuvenated character has gained. Kane’s monstrous nature came to the fore throughout the match, he took a beating from Cena, but kept on ticking. The pair ended up being counted out for a non-decision, although a laughing Kane decided to take things further by brutalising both Cena and Zack Ryder, leaving them prone in the ring as he strode off in celebration.

In another bonus match the repackaged Brodus Clay tackled Drew McIntyre in an unfortunately poor (squash style) encounter. Clay nailed his ‘What the Funk’ finisher to net himself the win.

The match of the night (as expected) was the semi-main event pitting Dolph Ziggler against WWE Champion CM Punk. John Laurinaitis as guest referee proved inconsequential, when push came to shove. Both combatants shone and although we never expected Ziggler to net the title, he did try. Punk true to form overcame the eager Ziggler by nailing a nice GTS to retain his gold and taking another step towards WrestleMania.

The main event Royal Rumble was lacking star power at times, but the performers on hand did make the most of their time in the ring. With a short 90 seconds gap between each participant it was really a case of make your entrance, hit a move and then move aside as the next combatant arrived on the scene. Highlights were Mick Foley having a Socko versus Cobra stand-off with Santino Marella, Kharma making her Rumble debut (and in-ring return), Ricardo Rodriguez lampooning his former cohort Alberto Del Rio (with cheap car etc.), legend hacksaw Jim Duggan entering to a healthy pop from the live crowd, former DX member Road Dogg making a re-appearance and the entire announce team (Booker T, Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler) dipped in for some ring time too.

The rumble boiled down to match favourite Chris Jericho and Irish tough guy Sheamus, both worked hard to create tension and tease the decision. Jericho took the advantage on several occasions before Sheamus countered a ‘codebreaker’ and nailed a nice loking ‘brogue kick’ to send his foe over the top rope and himself into the history books.

Royal Rumble 2012 was a mixed bag of matches, but it did serve its purpose, the road to WrestleMania is looking good and having a guy like Sheamus win a title shot at the biggest event of year certainly makes things interesting.

Wednesday 1 February 2012