Monday 29 September 2008

Pro Wrestling Ulster Next Show October 2008

Below please find the link to the PWU website and info on their next show here in


Hardcore Legend Mick Foley to make TNA debut

Mick Foley should have made his debut with TNA by the time you read this.

The former WCW,ECW and indy hardcore wrestling legend is set to become involved in the current Kurt Angle/Jeff Jarrett feud and become an integral part of TNA programming and storylines.

His presence and status as a man who loves to put over the young talent and give them breaks should appease mid-carders who feel left out of major stoylines and tread water waiting for their break.

Keep your eyes peeled for Mick's appearances and his sporadic in-ring appearances.

TNA No Surrender PPV Review

Here is the link to my review of TNA's No Surrender PPV that was on the Sun's website.

Wednesday 17 September 2008

TNA Add Second Dublin Date

It has just been announced that TNA will now do a second date in Dublin as part of their January Tour, they will now be there the Saturday too. Great news all round.

Doin Time With New Jack DVD Review

New Jack is one of the most controversial figure sin professional wrestling, he has no regard for his own bdoy let alone anyone he grapples with, the scarred former Bounty Hunter has four justifiable homicides (alegedly) to his name and has been fired from every promotion he has ever worked for.

This dvd features a sit down shoot style interview with the man himself, he has some enlightening and hilarious insights into the world of pro-wrestling and beleive me is not afraid to speak his mind either. New Jack pulls no punches and gives his informed verison of his career highlights and low points.

Disc two of this set features some of his matches, inclduign the infamous scaffold match with Vic Grimes, where Grimes was lucky to leave the arena alive. This is suprb for fans of the former Gangsta and anyone who relishes bloody brawls and suicidal dives.

Monday 15 September 2008

TNA Impact Game Review

The latest wrestling video game to hit the shops is a superb one that will surely leave the WWE shaking in their boots. Years in the making TNA's Impact! is a great adition to the genre and one that offers a worthy alternative to the by now weary Smackdown/Raw titles. Easy to use, fun to play and involving the game has no real problems to speak of, all your favourite characters are there, hidden games, exciting gameplay and nice paced action all show the game at its best. TNA fans will love the inclusion of the X Division and its unique style alongside the other six-sided ring action. 8 out of 10

Salinas Leaves TNA?

It appears that LAX manager/escort sallinas (Shelley Martinez) has left TNA, she it seems has some movie work lined up that clashed with her TNA role. More news as i get it.

Thursday 11 September 2008

Ric Flair More Woes

Ric Flair was involved in a disturbance involving his youngest daughter and her boyfirend, details are sketchy, but the former WWE star is said to have been in a fight, received a black eye and his duaghter was tasered after an altercation with the police.

Flair is said to be currently doing a shoot interview for Highspots, this should make for unmissable viewing.

Wrestlers Rescue

Wrestlers seem invincible to us fans, the larger than life characters seem impervious to pain and do things many of us can only dream of in their in-ring careers.

But what happens to them once injury or retirement forces them to leave the spotlight and roar of the crowd behind.

This is a question former ECW and WWE employee Dawn Marie asked, and the answer made her become heavily involved in a new organisation.

Wrestlers Rescue hopes to help former grapplers, many of whom now struggle to live comfortably, after their many years of wrestling and the associated lifestyle have taken their toll on their bodies.

Many now tour conventions/Indy shows to ply their wares for a meagre living, others have adopted other careers, or rely on state hand-outs to survive.

The Wrestlers Rescue mission statement is to create awareness and to help raise monies to support the health care needs of retired professional wrestlers, who now suffer due to their career choice in wrestling.

The overall plan being to not only put in place some form of financial advisory for active wrestlers and their future retirement, pension, college funds, savings etc and also set up a health care programme that the wrestlers can buy into and reap the benefits of if they need it.

With many former stars joining the rally for support the organisation are already planning fund-raising events in the US to kick-start their campaign.
See for more info and how to donate.

Written By Phil Allely

Wednesday 10 September 2008

CM Punk Loses Title

So Chris Jericho pulled off a surprise title win and took the belt from CM Punk at Unforgiven.

The question is that although we all knew Punk was a caretaker champ surely his success recently should have allowed him a longer run than he got.

I cannot see Jericho dropping the belt quick either, which means Punk may have had his day in the sun and not get back there again (a shame for someone so talented and with such a following).

Will we see a Michaels title run (considering his feud with jericho), probably not as Shawn is on a limited schedule and champs always do more shows than he could manage.

It will be Interesting to watch what develops.

Tuesday 9 September 2008

Mick Foley Update

according to several sources Mick foley has signed a short term deal with TNA, he can pursue other projects alongside this and have some in-ring action too. It's not known if he will have a commentator role or that of an in-ring talent like (ie) Kevin nash, who is seen in segments and wrestles occasionally.

Monday 8 September 2008

Pro Wrestling Ulster October Show

here's a flyer for the next PWU show in Belfast.

Thursday 4 September 2008

Foley News

Mick Foley has confirmed his move to TNA, WWE have announced his leaving the company and TNA have a teaser up on their website.

Wednesday 3 September 2008

Foley and TNA

Rumour has it an announcement from Mick Foley's pr people about his jump to TNA are iminent.

Keep you eyes peeled on the newsites and of course here.

Michaels Injury Not As Severe As Thought

Shawn Mihcales has said that his triceps injury will not need surgery, this means his match with Chris Jericho will now take place on Sunday. Shawn should still be carfeul though, he has a brutal match-up awaiting him and an ego that could see him risking his career.

The last thing he wants is to have to bow out without a final title run, big send-off and marquee match at a Wrestlemania.

Tuesday 2 September 2008

Shawn Michaels Injured at Raw taping

HBK Shawn Michaels has torn his tricep at the recent Raw taping.

This is yet another injury woe for the WWE as John Cena, Randy Orton and others all sit on the shelf awaitng clearance to return or to rehabilitate.

Michaels is yet to say whether he will take time off for surgery or participate in his match with Jericho this weekend.

Considering his numerous knee porblems, back fusion and othe rinjuries you have to wonder how long Shawn can keep pulling off the matches he has been as of late?

More news as I get it.